Neonet AB

Neonet AB
Type Public
Industry Finance
Founded 1996
Headquarters Stockholm, Sweden
Key people Thomas Bill, Chief executive officer, Anders Berg, CFO

Neonet is a global agency brokerage firm and technology provider, offering professional market participants brokerage services and trading software solutions. Neonets platform offers connectivity to the worlds leading market places globally. Neonets technology solutions, Neonet XG, include an integrated product suite. It features high speed market connections, a comprehensive execution management system, market data services and trading tools.


Execution Services and Trading Technology

Neonet offers execution services as well as trading technology services. Neonets clients reach marketplaces worldwide through the Groups execution services. By linking up order books from traditional exchanges and alternative marketplaces, Neonet creates an overview of European trading and conducts transactions at the best price for shares traded on several markets.

Neonet XGNeonets trading technology servicessimplifies electronic securities trading. The offering covers exchange connections, trading applications, support and distribution of share price data. Neonets execution services and XG products may be used individually or jointly.

Neonet has clients in more than 20 countries, which comprises banks and broker-dealers, institutional investors, hedge funds and marketplaces.


Neonet was founded in Sweden 1996 as an agency broker by a group of sales traders and IT specialists and has over ten years of expertise within electronic trading.

The U.S. subsidiary, Neonet Securities, Inc.*, was opened in New York in 1999. Sales and representative offices have subsequently been established in the U.K., Italy and Germany.

Neonet is a founding member and trading participant of the Nordic MTF Burgundy. Since 2010, Neonet is an Orc Group company.


[1] [2]

  1. ^ Annual Report 2009
  2. ^ External Website

External links

Wikimedia Foundation. 2010.

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