Nella Levy

Nella Levy
Nella Levy
Nationality Australian

Nella Levy, nicknamed the Lev[citation needed], was a pioneer of Girl Guiding in Australia. She was the first Guider in New South Wales. She had "a firm belief in the principles of Guiding, was young, keen, a dynamic personality, had a great sense of humour and fun, but was also a disciplinarian".[1]

Nella Levy became a Girl Guide in 1908 while at boarding school in England and also attended the Crystal Palace Rally in 1909, which lead to the formal foundation of the Girl Guides. During World War I she was a Patrol Leader in her Company.

In 1920, she read a newspaper report concerning a meeting of prominent women in Sydney who had decided that Guiding was not needed in New South Wales as girls already had sufficient opportunities to be outdoors. She wrote to the newspaper contradicting this feeling, and subsequently was invited to tea at Government House by Dame Margaret Davidson, wife of the Governor of New South Wales. Davidson told her "Queen Mary would like to see Girl Guides in New South Wales, and I want you to start it."[2] Levy took the challenge. She travelled widely, recruiting volunteers, forming Companies and enrolling Guides.

The Nella Levy Chapel is an outdoor chapel at Tara, a Girl Guide camp in Silverdale, New South Wales. It was built in 1972.[3]

See also


  1. ^ Coleman, M. (1980). Up Till Now: A Summary of Guiding Development in New South Wales 1920 - 1980. Girl Guides Association (N.S.W.). 
  2. ^ Abraham, Anne; Deo, Hermant (2006). "A Foucauldian Approach to Founder's Influence in a Non-Profit Organization". The Business Review 6 (1): 29–44. Retrieved 2009-04-28. 
  3. ^ "History". Girl Guides Australia N.S.W. & A.C.T.. Retrieved 2009-04-28. 

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