Texe Marrs

Texe Marrs

Infobox Person
name = Texe Marrs

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birth_name = Texe W. Marrs
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residence = Spicewood, Texas
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spouse = Wanda J. Marrs
partner =
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website = [http://www.texemarrs.com/ www.texemarrs.com]
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Texe W. Marrs is an American authorcite web | title = About Texe Marrs | publisher = Power of Prophecy Ministry Website | url = http://www.texemarrs.com/atm.htm | format = HTML | accessdate =2007-12-12] and conspiracy theorist. He lives in Spicewood, Texas. Prior to 1987 he was a prolific author of nonfiction books on career preparation and other subjects. His book "Dark Secrets of the New Age" was published by Crossway Books in 1987 and became a #1 bestseller in the Christian book market in 1988, on the momentum of growing alarm at the time within evangelical Christianity about the New Age Movement. He followed that up with another book, "Mystery Mark of the New Age", also published by Crossway Books. Subsequent books took on a much more outspoken tone as he started writing books alleging a vast world conspiracy involving Freemasonry, the Illuminati and Zionism. His books since 1989 have been self-published.


Texe Marrs was assistant professor of aerospace studies, teaching American Defense Policy, strategic weapons systems, and related subjects at the University of Texas at Austin from 1977 to 1982. He has also taught international affairs, political science, and psychology for two other universities. A graduate Summa Cum Laude from Park College, Kansas City, Missouri, he earned his Master’s degree at North Carolina State University.

He presently runs Power of Prophecy Ministries and distributes a monthly newsletter entitled "Power of Prophecy".


The Mattel Toy Co.

In March 1997, Texe Marrs stated:

New International Version of the Bible

In August 1997, he claimed that the New International Version of the Bible is a feminist book for the New Age.

American government and the FBI

In a "Power of Prophecy" radio program on Feb 16, 2008 in a show title, "The Rise of the Illuminati Psychopaths and The Savage Horror of America’s Coming Gloom", Marrs states that the FBI shoots people's pets such as was the case at Ruby Ridge. He also claimed that the USA lies about terrorist groups like Al Qaeda and further hinted that the American government could be making up bombing incidents in Iraq during Operation Iraqi Freedom.cite episode | title = The Rise of the Illuminati Psychopaths and The Savage Horror of America’s Coming Gloom | series = Power of Prophecy Radio program | airdate = 2008-02-16]

Marrs is quoted as saying from the program, "The Rise of the Illuminati Psychopaths and The Savage Horror of America’s Coming Gloom" show:

John Hagee

On the "Power of Prophecy" radio program show on Feb 23, 2008 titled, "“Jesus Is Not Israel's Messiah”—A Profile of John Hagee", Marrs criticized televangelist John Hagee for his claims that Jesus is not the Jewish messiah with these statements:

Marrs also claimed on that show that John Hagee is a false prophet, part of the Judaizer movement, an apostate and an Antichrist. He also stated that Hagee attacks the word of God and is in bed with Jews, Lucifer, Satan, and the serpent.

King James Version of the Bible

He is quoted from an article by him stating the King James Version of the Bible to be the “true Word of God” [cite web | title = Tower of Infamy Built by Liars and Deceivers | publisher = Power of Prophecy Ministry Website | url = http://www.texemarrs.com/122004/tower_of_infamy_article.htm | format = HTML | accessdate = 2008-05-29] .

Controversy and criticism

Marrs has been accused of being anti-Catholic, [ [http://www.google.com/search?hl=en&lr=&as_qdr=all&q=catholic+site%3Atexemarrs.com&btnG=Search Google Search] ,] cite web | title = KARL KEATING'S E-LETTER February 25, 2003 | publisher = Catholic Answers Website | url = http://www.catholic.com/newsletters/kke_030225.asp | format = HTML | accessdate = 2008-05-29] critical of Freemasonrycite web | title = Texe Marrs | publisher = Masonic Info Website | url = http://www.masonicinfo.com/texe.htm | format = HTML | accessdate = 2008-05-29] , and the New Age movement. His critics, like Edward L. King, have accused him of anti-Semitism. Marrs' website offers copies of the Protocols of the Elders of Zion for sale, saying: cquote|The Illuminati's March of Death as I call it was revealed in advance in the satanically prophetic textbook of terror called The Protocols of the Learned Elders of Zion. Read what the Zionist monsters said they were going to do. [" [http://www.conspiracyworld.com/index0171.htm The Illuminati Blueprint for Global Enslavement; Endgame] ", Texe Marrs]

Texe Marrs denies harboring anti-Semitic views. In his video, Thunder Over Zion, he states:

In "Power of Prophecy", October 2002, Marrs states:

Along with "The Judas Goats", [ [http://www.texemarrs.com/Merchant2/merchant.mvc?Screen=PROD&Store_Code=catalog&Product_Code=bboa_judas_goat Power of Prophecy: Judas Goats (The) ] ] and "The New Jerusalem", whose description [ [http://www.texemarrs.com/Merchant2/merchant.mvc?Screen=PROD&Store_Code=catalog&Product_Code=bboa_new_jerusalem Power of Prophecy: New Jerusalem (The)—Zionist Power in America ] ] states:

Marrs claims on his website that entire congregations of Baptist, Pentecostal, even Presbyterian and others denominational churches are:

In December 1999 "U.S. News and World Report" reported that Texe Marrs and David Icke had alleged that former President and Vice President George H.W. Bush had been involved in a black mass . [cite journal | last = Eltahawy | first = Mona | year = 1999 | month = December | title = Egyptian boogie nights | journal = U.S. News & World Report | volume = 127 | issue = 25 | pages = 24 | accessdate = - "David Icke, a former British television sportscaster turned prophet of doom, and Texe Marrs, a retired U.S. Air Force officer turned pastor, have issued Web site warnings that, come millennium eve, former President George Bush and fellow members of a cult known as the Illuminati will summon oppressive evil forces at a black mass in a burial chamber deep inside the great Cheops pyramid."]

Marrs stated in August 2007:

Constance Cumbey, the author of the first major evangelical book on the New Age Movement, "The Hidden Dangers of the Rainbow", has charged Texe Marrs with plagiarism and sensationalizing a serious subject to the detriment of its credibility.cite web
title = Disinformation in the ‘New Age’ – The Sad and Ugly Saga of Texe Marrs
url = http://cumbey.blogspot.com/2006/11/texe-marrs-disinformation-for-new-age.html | format = HTML
accessdate = 2008-05-29

Christian Apologist Dr. James White stated on his website concerning Texe Marrs:cquote|Some people don't seem to mind looking silly. Comics will often employ absurdity as an agent of humor in their routines. But when a person claims to be a minister of the gospel, and yet engages in the most egregiously ridiculous thinking and arguing, something is seriously wrong.cite web
title = Texe Marrs Demonstrates Yet Once Again That Facts and Logic Mean Nothing When A Conspiracy Is At Stake
publisher = Alpha and Omega Ministries Website | url = http://www.aomin.org/Marrs.html | format = HTML
accessdate =2007-12-12


Marrs has produced numerous videos about the emergence of a "New World Order", the "Illuminati", and other Jewish plots allowing his listeners to freely distribute VHS and DVD copies of his films, as well as via the Internet for educational purposes and to oppose the "New World Order".

*"A.D. 2000--Year of Destiny: Astounding Events to Shake the Earth as We Move into the New Millennium" February 1, 1999
*"Y2K--Hidden Dangers of Martial Law and a Police State" March 1, 1999
*"Days of Hunger, Days of Chaos: The Coming Great Food Shortages in America" May 1, 1999
*"Sting of the Iron Beast—The Wicked New World Order Army and the Rise of the Fourth Beast Kingdom" June 1, 1999
*"The Secret Brotherhood" July 1, 1999
*"The Coming Great Thirst: That Astonishing Day Just Ahead When Water Shall Be No More" September 1, 1999
*"Nightstalkers Over America—Urban Warrior Exercises and Our Gestapo Police State" October 1, 1999
*"Cauldron of Abaddon - From Jerusalem and Israel Flow a Torrent of Satanic Evil and Mischief Endangering the Whole World"
*"Gulag U.S.A. - Concentration Camps in America"
*"Illuminati Mystery Babylon - The Hidden Elite of Israel, America, and Russia, and Their Quest for Global Dominion"
*"Leviathan In Space - Strange Mysteries, Oddities, and Monstrosities of the U.S space program"
*"The Eagle Has Landed!"—Magic, Alchemy, and the Illuminati Conquest of Outer Space"
*"Tower of Infamy—The Illuminati, Secret Societies, Reverend Moon, and the Buying and Selling of Televangelists and Other Famous-Name Christian Leaders"
*"Vatican Rising—The Seduction of Christianity and the Triumph of Rome"
*"The Bloodstained Hands of Big Brother Government"
*"The Freeman Perspective: Codex Magica"
*"Project L.U.C.I.D. - The Beast 666 Universal Human Control System"
*"The Green Barbarians—The Environmentalist Plot to Destroy the Earth and Launch a New Holocaust"
*"Masonic Lodge Over Jerusalem"
*"Monuments To the Beast - Occultic Architecture"
*"Thunder Over Zion - Illuminati Bloodlines and the Secret Plan For a Jewish Utopia and a New World Messiah"
*"Sting of the Iron Beast - The Wicked New World Order Army And the Rise of the Fourth Beast Kingdom"
*"Planet X - Dark Red Star On a Collision Course With Earth"
*"Is the Pope Catholic? Shocking New Revelations About the World's Most Powerful Religious Leader"
*"Satan's New Age Plan For a One World Order"
*"The Coming Great Thirst - That Astonishing Day When Water Shall Be No More"
*"Lumen 2000 - The Pope's Secret Plan For Global Supremacy in the New Millennium"
*"Secret Societies and the Illuminati"
*"Big Sister is Rising: Hillary's Hellcats"
*"The Blind & The Dead—Greedy Evangelists and Religious Charlatans Leading the World into a Spiritual Wasteland"
*"Satan's Fingerprints in the New Bible Versions"
*"Unholy Bible Versions of the New Age"'


* "A Perfect Name for Your Pet", Texe and Wanda Marrs, Heian, San Francisco, 1983.
* "You and the Armed Forces", ARCO, 1983.
* "Careers in Computers: The High-Tech Job Guide", Monarch Press, 1984.
* "How to Prepare for the Armed Forces Test - ASVAB", Barrons, 1984.
* "Careers in High Technology", Irwin Professional Publications, 1985.
* "High Tech Job Finder", Texe and Wanda Marrs, John Wiley & Sons, 1985.
* "The Great Robot Book", Texe and Wanda Marrs, Julin Messenger, 1985.
* "The Personal Robot Book", Robotic Industries Association, 1985.
* "High Technology Careers", Dow Jones & Irwin, 1986.
* "Preparation for the Armed Forces Test", MacMillan, 1986.
* "The Woman's Guide to Military Service", Texe Marrs and Karen Read, Liberty Publishing Company, 1987.
* "Rush to Armageddon", Tynsdale, 1987.
* "Dark Secrets of the New Age", Crossway Books, 1987.
* "Mystery Mark of the New Age", Crossway Books, 1988.
* "Futuristic Careers: Jobs Today in the 21st Century Fields", Scott Foresman & Co, 1988.
* "Careers with Robots", Facts On File, 1988.
* "Mega Forces: Signs and Wonders of the Coming Chaos", Living Truth Publishers, 1988.
* "Ravaged by the New Age: Satan's Plan to Destroy Our Kids", Living Truth Publishers, 1989.
* "New Age Cults and Religions", Living Truth Publishers, 1990.
* "America Shattered", 1991.
* "Dark Majesty: The Secret Botherhood and the Magic of a Thousand Points of Light", Living Truth Publishers, 1992.
* "Big Sister Is Watching You: Hillary Clinton and the White House Feminists Who Now Control America", Living Truth Publishers, 1993.
* "Project L.U.C.I.D.: The Beast 666 Universal Human Control System", Living Truth Publishers, 1996.
* "Days of Hunger, Days of Chaos: The Coming Great Food Shortages in America", Living Truth Publishers, 1999.
* "Millennium: Peace, Promises and the Day They Take Our Money Away", Rivercrest Publishing, 2000.
* "Circle of Intrigue: The Hidden Inner Circle of the Global Illuminati Conspiracy", Rivercrest Publishing, 2000.
* "Codex Magica: Secret Signs, Mysterious Symbols, and Hidden Codes of the Illuminati", Rivercrest Publishing, 2005.
* "The Synagogue of Satan: The Secret History of Jewish World Domination " by Andrew Carrington Hitchcock, RiverCrest Publishing, March 1, 2007 (Foreword)
* "Mysterious Monuments"


External links

* [http://texemarrs.com Power of Prophecy: Texe Marrs' official website]
* [http://www.tylwythteg.com/lawguide/marrs.html Who is Texe Marrs? (Criticism of his theology and financial dealings)]
* [http://www.saintaardvarkthecarpeted.com/texe_marrs/ "St. Aardvark the Carpeted" interview with Marrs]
* [http://www.witchvox.com/va/dt_va.html?a=cabc&c=whs&id=4646 Critical review of Marrs' teachings] by Kerr Cuhulain
* [http://www.equip.org/free/DN011.htm A Summary Critique: Dark Secrets Of The New Age / Mystery Mark Of The New Age]
* [http://cumbey.blogspot.com/2006/11/texe-marrs-disinformation-for-new-age.html Disinformation in the ‘New Age’ – The Sad and Ugly Saga of Texe Marrs]
* [http://www.youtube.com/view_play_list?p=7E0B35532A0FBF2B Codex Magica on Youtube]

Further reading

*James White, [http://aomin.org/Marrs.html "The View From Marrs"] .
*James White, [http://aomin.org/Response_to_Marrs.html "A Brief Response To Texe Marrs"] .
*" [http://therefinersfire.org/challenging_texe_marrs.htm Challenging the Anti-Semitism of Texe Marrs] (a Messianic Judaism view of Marrs)
*" [http://www.cephas-library.com/discernment/discernment_open_letter_to_texe_marrs_from_cephas.html An Open Letter to Texe Marrs]

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