Navel displacement

Navel displacement

Navel displacement is the condition when the navel centre shifts. It is also called shift in solar plexus. Normally uneven walking,running or unbalanced jumping leads to this disorder. Even sometimes lifting of heavy weights creates this problem. Normally this problem corresponds to weakening of ligaments related to large intestine. The above said problem is defined only in UNANI (Greek),AYURVEDA (INDIAN) & CHINESE/JAPANESE therapies, modern day science does not have this concept.

It can be cured in many ways, 7 methods are utilised by Dr.Siddiq Mahmoodi in Hyderabad,India.The easiest method is related to cupping technology which dates back to ancient Egyptian therapy (the period of Pharaohs, & Prophet Moses),the Ved (doctors of traditional Indian medicine) used to manipulate it & re-locate with their hands or even foot pressure in the way required.

This sort of displacement can cause multiple problems if not rectified in time,it can even result in loss of erection for men & lack of sexual interest in women,prolonged illness, & even chronic stomach aches & much more.