

Natren Inc. was founded in 1982 and is headquartered in Westlake Village, California. To manufacture Natren's award-winning probiotic products, founder and president of Natren, Natasha Trenev, relies on decades of experience and a centuries-old history spanning since when her family supplied yogurt to the royal court of King Peter II of Yugoslavia.[1]

All Natren’s probiotic products contain either L. acidophilus DDS-1 (dairy products), L. acidophilus NAS (non-dairy products), B. bifidum Malyoth, L. bulgaricus LB-51, and/or B. infantis NLS (all of these are considered proprietary super strains available only from Natren). Natren products are available as oil-matrix capsules, freeze-dried powders (loose or encapsulated), or chewables. Each capsule of Natren’s flagship product, Healthy Trinity, contains 30 billion CFUs (colony forming units). Natren offers both vegan and vegetarian probiotic options.

Natren has an International Good Manufacturing Practice (GMP) certification from Australia’s TGA Agency (Therapeutic Goods Administration); one of the most difficult and rigorous independent third-party GMP certifications to get. The manufacturing and production facility in Westlake Village, CA is considered pharmaceutical grade.


Founder of Natren

Natasha Trenev the founder of Natren is a graduate from UCLA with a degree in Slavic Languages. She is also a renowned self-proclaimed microbiologist, health activist, developmental scientist and authority on probiotics . Natasha’s research papers have been published in major scientific journals and peer-reviewed publications.


  • Healthy Trinity – contains the three super strains listed above and 30 billion cfu per capsule. Healthy Trinity is manufactured through the proprietary Trenev Process ® where an oil matrix delivery system keeps beneficial bacteria super strains separate and non-competitive, while maximizing survival through low-pH corrosive stomach acid. Healthy Trinity is also bile resistant and thus ensures 100% survival of the beneficial bacteria in the small intestine .
  • Healthy Tummy—chewable wafers in a vanilla flavor
  • MegaDophilus – contains Lactobacillus acidophilus DDS-1 super strain (dairy) and Lactobacillus acidophilus NAS super strain (dairy-free), and is available in both dairy and dairy free powders .
  • Yogurt Starter
  • Bifido Factor – contains Bifidobacteria bifidum Malyoth super strain
  • Gastro Vegi- Dophilus-- for all animals
  • Digesta Lac - contains Lactobacillus bulgaricus LB-51 super strain
  • Gastro-pH- chewable wafers in a strawberry flavor
  • Gy-Na-Tren – is a homeopathic and probiotic (2-in-1) treatment for fungal attacks like vaginal candidiasis and contains Lactobacillus acidophilus NAS and Boric acid . Gy-Na-Tren is manufactured through The Trenev Process ®which is proprietary; it is also clinically tested to help vaginal flora and intestinal ecology . Gy-Na-Tren consists of oral capsules and a vaginal application and is usually a 14-day course of treatment. This product is FDA-Approved for recurrent vaginal yeast infections.
  • Life Start—For pregnant, nursing women and their babies
  • Life Start 2—Contains B. infantis NLS in a goat’s milk base
  • Healthy Start System—The powder or capsule version of Healthy Trinity, without the exclusive oil matrix found in Healthy Trinity, also available in dairy or dairy free.


Natasha Trenev is the author of 3 books:

  • The Power of Probiotics: Secrets to Great Health, 2006
  • Probiotics: Nature's Internal Healers, 1998 (co-authored with Leon Chaitow, D.O.)
  • Probiotics: How Live Yogurt and Other Friendly Bacteria Can Restore Health and Vitality, 1990 (co-authored with Leon Chaitow, D.O.)

Research Papers

  • Lactobacillus acidophilus, Strain NAS (H2O2 Positive), in Reduction of Recurrent Candidal Vulvovaginitis, by Julius Metts MD, Thomas R. Famula PhD, Natasha Trenev, Roger A. Clemens Dr PH., Journal of Applied Research Vol. 3, No. 4, Fall 2003 [3]
  • Friendly Bacteria - Lactobacillus acidophilus & Bifido bacterium, Authors, John M. Baron, D.O., Luc De Schepper, M.D., Ph.D., C.A.,Gerald Domingue, M.D., Brad Everett, Howard Hughes, William H. Lee, R.Ph., Ph.D., Lida Mattman, Ph.D., Ed McCabe, Natasha Trenev, Dr. Ken Rifkin Ray C. Wunderlich, Jr., M.D./Responsible editor/writer Anthony di Fabio. 1989 [4]

External Links

Natren Official Site


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