National League of Patriotic Youth

National League of Patriotic Youth

The National League of Patriotic Youth (French: Ligue nationale de la jeunesse patriotique, L.N.J.P.) was a political movement in Dahomey (later renamed Benin). The organization was founded in 1967.[1] Its followers were nicknamed ligueurs.[2]

The League aligned itself with the military rulers of the country. The organization succeeded in convincing militaries to adopt a Marxist-Leninist political discourse. During the rule of the People's Revolutionary Party of Benin, the erstwhile ligueurs represented the hardline radical factions within the system. The group was highly influential in the years of 1974-1975.[2]

The ligueur faction fell out of line with President Kérékou from 1981 onwards. Within the regime the influence of moderates and technocrats increased whilst the influence of the ligueurs was curtailed.[3]


  1. ^ Almeida-Topor, Hélène d'. Les Jeunes en Afrique. T. 2. La Politique et la ville. Paris: L'Harmattan, 1992. p. 255
  2. ^ a b Daloz, Jean-Pascal, and Patrick Quantin. Transitions democratiques africaines: dynamiques et contraintes : (1990-1994). Hommes et sociétés. Paris: Editions Karthala, 1997. pp. 37, 41
  3. ^ Markakis, John, and Michael Waller. Military Marxist Regimes in Africa. London, England: F. Cass, 1986. p. 74

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