Voices for America's Children

Voices for America's Children
Voices for America's Children
Type Child Advocacy
Founded 1984
Location Washington, DC
Area served United States
Mission To improve the lives of children in the United States by advocating for effective public policies.
Revenue $2,723,275 (in 2009)
Members 60
Website http://www.voices.org
Formerly known as the National Association of Child Advocates (renamed in 2003)



Voices for America's Children is a 501(c)(3) non-profit organization located in Washington, DC. Voices is a U.S. nonpartisan, national organization that advocates for the well-being of children at the federal, state and local levels of government. It addresses areas such as early childhood education, health, juvenile justice, child welfare, tax and budget decisions.[1] It was renamed from National Association of Child Advocates in 2003.[2]


Voices for America's Children began when child advocates from the US met for the first time in 1981 and formed the National Association of State-based Child Advocacy Organization (ACA) in 1984. ACA later changed its name to Voices for America's Children.


From ACA to NACA to Voices for Americas Children

2009Voices Celebrates 25 years of Advocating for Children

2008 & 2009 Voices plays leadership role in the development and passage of SCHIP

2006Speaking Out is introduced

2006Member Leadership Council is inaugurated

2006Board of Trustees is reconfigured as an independent Board

2004First national agenda is adopted

2003Name is changed to Voices for Americas Children

2000Child Safe initiative is launched

1995Childrens Budget Watch is started

1991Role is expanded to aid in member fundraising, facilitate collaboration among members, and enhance member influence in national policy making debates

1992ACA moves from Cleveland to Washington D.C. and becomes NACA

1984National Association of Sate-based Child Advocacy Organization (ACA) is incorporated in Cleveland, OH

1981Leaders of child advocacy organizations from around the country meet for the first time


Voices for America's Children has 6 areas of focus for childrens wellbeing:

Equity and Diversity

All children achieve their full potential in a society that closes opportunity gaps and that recognizes and values diversity.


All children receive affordable, comprehensive, high-quality health care.

School Readiness

All children and their parents receive the services and supports to enable them to start school prepared for success.

School Success

All children have an equal opportunity to attend an adequately and equitably financed public school meeting rigorous academic standards aligned with the needs of the 21st century workforce.


All children are safe in their homes and communities from all forms of abuse, neglect, exploitation and violence, avoid risky behaviors, and contribute to community well-being.

Economic Stability

All children live in families that can provide for their needs and make investments in their future.


Voices has 62 member organizations in 46 states of the US, as well as in The US Virgin Islands and the District of Columbia (DC).. A member is an organization that belongs to the Voices network and is a nonprofit organization that is either: a provider coalition with an advocacy component to its overall agenda; or the state or community affiliate of a national single-issue child advocacy organization; or a state or community-based organization focused primarily on public awareness, resource or referral or direct services, with child advocacy as part of its mission; or a KIDS COUNT grantee without child advocacy as any component of its agenda.

Some members are, but not limited to:

VOICES for Alabamas Children

Childrens Action Alliance (AZ)

Arkansas Advocates for Children and Families

Children Now (CA)

Childrens Advocacy Institute (CA)

Childrens Partnership (CA)

Coleman Advocates for Children & Youth (CA)

Kids in Common (CA)

Colorado Childrens Campaign

Connecticut Association for Human Services

Connecticut Voices for Children

KIDS COUNT in Delaware

DC Action for Children

Childrens Campaign, Inc. (FL)

Voices for Georgias Children

Good Beginnings Alliance (HI)

Idaho Voices for Children

Voices for Illinois Children

Child & Family Policy Center (IA)

Kansas Action for Children

Kentucky Youth Advocates

Agenda for Children (LA)

Maine Children's Alliance

Advocates for Children & Youth (MD)

Massachusetts Citizens for Children

Michigans Children

Priority Children (MI)

Partnership for Children (KS/MO)

Voices for Children in Nebraska

Childrens Advocacy Alliance (NV)

Childrens Alliance of New Hampshire

Association for Children of New Jersey

New Mexico Voices for Children

Citizens' Committee for Children of New York

Schuyler Center for Analysis & Advocacy (NY)

Westchester Childrens Association (NY)

Action for Children North Carolina

North Dakota KIDS COUNT!

Voices for Ohios Children

Oklahoma Institute for Child Advocacy

Children First for Oregon

Pennsylvania Partnerships for Children

Public Citizens for Children & Youth (PA)

Rhode Island KIDS COUNT

Childrens Trust of South Carolina

South Dakota KIDS COUNT

South Dakota Voices for Children

Black Childrens Institute of Tennessee

Tennessee Commission on Children & Youth

Children at Risk (TX)

Texans Care for Children

Voices for Children of San Antonio

Voices for Utah Children

Community Foundation of the Virgin Islands

Voices for Virginias Children

Voices for Vermonts Children

Childrens Alliance (WA)

West Virginia KIDS COUNT Fund

Wisconsin Council on Children and Families

Wyoming Childrens Action Alliance


Financial backing is provided by membership fees and grants from the following foundations:[3]


  1. ^ "About Us". Voices for America's Children. http://www.voices.org/about/. Retrieved 2009-11-08. 
  2. ^ "Our History". Voices for America's Children. http://www.voices.org/. Retrieved 2009-11-08. 
  3. ^ "Annual Report 2006". Voices for America's Children. http://www.voices.org/uploads/2006AnnualReport.pdf. Retrieved 2009-11-08. [dead link]