National Adaptation Programme of Action
- National Adaptation Programme of Action
A National Adaptation Programme of Action (NAPA) is one of the types of reporting envisaged by the United Nations Framework Convention on Climate Change (UNFCCC).[1] They are prepared by Least Developed Countries, to describe the country's perception of its most "urgent and immediate needs to adapt to climate change".[2] NAPAs are not supposed to include original research, but use existing information and include profiles of priority projects that are intended to address those needs that have been identified.
The UNFCCC maintains a database of NAPAs,[3] and of country priorities that have been identified within NAPAs.[4] As of November 2011, it contained reports from 46 LDCs.[3]
The Least Developed Country Fund (LDCF) was established to finance the preparation of NAPAs and to implement the projects that they propose.[5] The LDCF currently has resources of at least US$415 million, of which US$177 million has been approved for 47 projects, attracting more than US$550 million in co-financing in the process.[5]
See Also
- Local Adaptation Plans of Action
- ^ UNFCCC: National Reports, retrieved 16th November, 2011
- ^ UNFCCC: National Adaptation Programmes of Action, retrieved 16th November, 2011
- ^ a b UNFCCC Database of NAPAs, retrieved on 16th November, 2011
- ^ UNFCCC Database of NAPA priorities, retrieved 16th November, 2011
- ^ a b GEF website: about the LDCF, retrieved 16th November, 2011
Categories: - Climate change policy
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