

In its broader sense, Babine refers to the Athabascan Indians who speak the Babine dialect of the Babine-Witsuwit'en language in the vicinity of the Babine River, Babine Lake, Trembleur Lake, and Takla Lake in the central interior of British Columbia, Canada.

In its narrower sense, Babine refers to the subset of Babine speakers who belong to the Lake Babine Nation, a band comprising three main communities:
* Fort Babine (traditional name: Wit'at, approx. 100 full-time residents);
* Tachet (approx. 100 full-time residents);
* and Woyenne (next to the village of Burns Lake, approx. 800 residents).

The term Babine is of French origin, meaning "lippy", because when first encountered by fur traders Babine women wore labrets. Although perceived by some as disparaging, the band prefers to use the name "Lake Babine Nation" because it emphasizes the connection of the people to their traditional territory around Babine Lake.

The Babine River is consideredwho one of the top steelhead rivers in the world, known for large fish that are often taken with floating lines and "skating" dry flies. The Babine is located in the Skeena River watershed.

ee also



*"Cis Dideen Kat: the Way of the Lake Babine Nation", Jo-Anne Fiske and Betty Patrick, Vancouver: UBC Press, 2000.

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