John C. Whitcomb

John C. Whitcomb

John Clement Whitcomb, Jr. (born c. 1924) is an American Old Testament theologian and young Earth creationist. Whitcomb is sometimes credited for establishing the modern young earth creationist/creation science movement by authoring with Henry M. Morris "The Genesis Flood", a book on flood geology.

Whitcomb graduated from McCallie School in Chattanooga Tennessee in 1942 then went to Princeton University where he gained a BA with honors in ancient and European history in 1948.cite news | title = John C. Whitcomb | work = Answers in Genesis | first = | last = | url= | date = 2008 | acceessdate = 2008-08-15 ] Then he attended Grace Theological Seminary receiving a B.D. degree (high honors) and received the Th.M. degree in 1953 and Th.D. degree in 1957. Then from 1951 to 1990 he taught at Grace Theological Seminary's Old Testament and Christian Theology departments.

Whitcomb and his wife Norma reside in Indianapolis. He serves as president of Whitcomb Ministries, Inc., as an ordained elder in the Conservative Grace Brethren Churches, International, and as a speaker for Answers in Genesis.

Controversy and criticism

The work "The Genesis Flood" by Whitcomb and Henry M. Morris has been criticized for being scientifically inaccurate. [Brian Witzke, "The Genesis Flood" Review" in "Reviews of Creationist Books" ed Liz Rank Hughes, National Center for Science Education, 1992. page 131, 132 ISBN 0939873524] Furthermore, the work takes quotes from scientists either out of context or completely misquoting sources.cite news | url= | title=Quotations and Misquotations:Classic example from The Genesis Flood | | date=February 7, 2002 | first= | last= | accessdate = 2007-01-19 ] For example, the writers took sources out of context and left out the date of "millions" without noting the exclusion with ellipse.

John G. Solum, a geologist with the USGS, has criticized the work for being inaccurate.cite news | url= | title=Thrust faults | | date=February 7, 2002 | first=John | last=Solum | accessdate = 2007-01-19 ] Solum noted, "Whitcomb and Morris are mistaken about the nature of the rocks associated with thrust faults. Their claim about fossils is based on a YEC misunderstanding of how rocks are dated relative to each other, and how the geologic column was constructed" and, "Morris' explanation of relative dating is not "somewhat oversimplified", it is entirely incorrect."

Books and other resources

*(co-author Henry M. Morris) "The Genesis Flood", Presbyterian & Reformed Publishing, June 1960, ISBN 0875523382
*"The Origin of the Solar System". Presbyterian & Reformed Publishing, 1963
*"The Early Earth", Baker Books, 1972
*"The World that Perished", Baker Books, 1973, ISBN 0801096901
*"Chart of the Period from the Creation to Abraham", BMH Books, 1977
*(co-author Donald B. DeYoung) "The Moon: Its Creation, Form and Significance", BMH Books, 1978, ISBN 0884691020


External links

* [ Whitcomb Ministries]

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