Nahal Hever

Nahal Hever

Nahal Hever (Hebrew: נחל חבר, Arabic wadi al-Khabat) is a stream in the Judean Desert that flows from Ein Gedi and Masada to the Dead Sea.

At the head of the stream are two caves, the "cave of letters" (מערת האיגרות), and, further up, the "cave of horrors" (מערת האימה) in which have been found archeological evidences of the Bar Kokhba revolt (132136).

The sites were discovered 1953 and investigated 1960-1961 by Yigael Yadin. The papyri were published in two volumes; Greek (1989), and Hebrew and Aramaic (1991).[1]


  1. ^ International Review of Biblical Studies Page 251 Bernhard Lang - 2003 "The Documents from the Bar Kokhba Period in the Cave of Letters: Hebrew, Aramaic and Nabatean-Aramaic Papyri The editic) princeps of the Nahal Hever papyri papyri dating from the early 2nd century CE - is in two parts: the Greek papyri ..."

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