NYLAC Computers

NYLAC Computers

NYLAC Computers refer to any computer built by the NYLAC computer company

Company and name

NYLAC computer company built a computer based on the Zilog Z-80 microprocessor. It was derived from the Rex computer built in Des Moines Iowa. Nylac was founded by Gary Martin, although to customers and dealers NYLAC stood for "Now You've Looked At Computers" that was a bacronym. Actually the name of the company was derived from joining the two words Nyla (Gary's wife's name) and Univac an early computer.

Construction and technical specifications

The motherboard consisted of a Z-80 microprocessor running at 4mhz, an 8257/8275 memory mapped video controller address at 0xF800. And an 8251 serial controller for IO. There were six S-100 bus interfaces one of which was filled with a 5 1/4 inch disc controller card.

The cabinet was filled with a 13" CRT display, a liner power supply, two 5 1/4 inch floppy drives (later versions used dual headed drives). Toward the end of production, NYLACs were built with a 5 megabyte 5 1/4 inch hard drive to replace one of the floppies.


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