- Heat syndrome
Heat Syndrome is a rare condition that, historically, has been so difficult to categorize, that it has been considered either a rare symptom of another condition, or merely fictional. A fictional character in the novels
Vampire Hunter D frequently suffered from this condition when he was exposed to the sunlight and daytime heat for too long a period. However, a real-world example of heat syndrome would be an individual becoming thermally sensitive after having experiencedhyperthermia more than once over a relatiely short period.Heat Syndrome is generally considered to be a condition wherein the
body temperature of the individual is unstable or unusually high in an otherwise normal, 'room-temperature' environment. Such an individual, when exposed to external temperatures equal to or greater than their own internal temperature might begin to feel weakness; in some cases, pain that varies in severity depending on the individual and the conditions. A person afflicted with heat syndrome might generally shy from direct sunlight, or avoid going outside at all on a hot day; but might otherwise seem completely normal.Since the human body requires a very finite thermal realm in which it is able to maintain
homeostasis , it could be said simply that heat syndrome is a term for describing the condition of a tiny sliver of humanity whose cellularmetabolism is incapable of handling the more average temperature variations of the outside world.
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