My Alibi

My Alibi
My Alibi
My Alibi logo with the five principal characters
Format comedy, internet video
Created by Take180
Written by Julie Restivo
Directed by Oren Kaplan
Starring Cyrina Fiallo
Adam Chambers
Zachary Burr Abel
Julianna Guill
Alison Brie
Marque Richardson
Gabrielle Carteris
Country of origin Flag of the United States.svg United States
No. of episodes 19
Producer(s) Take180
Running time 180 seconds
Original channel Take180
Original run August 18, 2008 – February 20, 2009
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External links

My Alibi is a web television series produced by Take180 (a subsidiary of The Walt Disney Company).[1] The series, consisting of 19 episodes of 180 seconds or under was one of the first series produced by the site, and one of the most well-received.[2] The show, like many on the site, took fan submissions and integrated them into each episode.

The show was picked up for distribution on in February 2009.[3][4]

The series premiered on August 18, 2008, on and YouTube, and concluded on February 20, 2009 with each episode averaging around 25,000 views on



The core plot of My Alibi revolves around a group of students who are sent to the principal (played by Gabrielle Carteris of Beverly Hills, 90210) after a large prank is pulled during the first period of school. All five students were late that day, and are locked in a room together until one of them steps forward and confesses. While they are together, each student relates the story of what they had done that morning along with other related events in their lives, often containing ludicrous twists.



External links

Wikimedia Foundation. 2010.

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  • alibi — [ alibi ] n. m. • 1394; mot lat. « ailleurs » 1 ♦ Dr. Moyen de défense tiré du fait qu on se trouvait, au moment de l infraction, dans un lieu autre que celui où elle a été commise. Avoir un alibi. Vérifier des alibis. Un alibi sérieux, solide. « …   Encyclopédie Universelle

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