Mustafa Levent Göktaş

Mustafa Levent Göktaş

Mustafa Levent Göktaş is a Turkish colonel, who took part in the 1999 operation to catch Abdullah Öcalan, the leader of the Kurdish militant organization PKK. In January 2009, Göktaş was detained in the Ergenekon investigation.[1]

He is a member of the Special Forces Command (Turkish: Özel Kuvvetler Komutanlı); an elite special forces unit.[2]


  1. ^ Yavuz, Ercan (2009-01-10). "Key colonel in Öcalan's capture among detainees". Today's Zaman. Retrieved 2009-01-09. 
  2. ^ "9 muvazzaf subay adliyede sorgulanıyor" (in Turkish). CNN Türk. 2009-01-09. Retrieved 2009-01-09. 

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