Musée Lambinet

Musée Lambinet

Coordinates: 48°48′32″N 2°07′48″E / 48.8087571°N 2.1301031°E / 48.8087571; 2.1301031

Musée Lambinet

The musée Lambinet and its garden
Established 1932
Location Versailles , France

The Musée Lambinet is a municipal museum in Versailles telling the history of the town. Since 1932 it has been housed in the hôtel Lambinet, a hôtel particulier designed by Élie Blanchard, built in the second half of the 18th century by a part of the Clagny lake (drained in 1837) and left to the town of Versailles by the heirs of Victor Lambinet (a cousin of the painter Émile Lambinet) in 1929. It has been classed as a monument historique since 1944. Its garden façade has a sculpted pediment representing an allegorical figure of architecture.

The museum has 35 rooms, some with period decor, in which collections on the town's history are displayed, such as furniture, ceramics and objets d'art as well as historic plans of the town and paintings, sculptures and other works of art by artists from the town (notably works by Jean-Antoine Houdon).


The catalogue lists 542 works, plus 8 deposited at the municipal library and 2 at the hôtel de ville.


  • (French) Peintures du musée Lambinet à Versailles, ed. Somogy et Musée Lambinet, 2005, s. l. (Italy), ISBN 2-85056-938-0.

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Wikimedia Foundation. 2010.

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