

A hartree (symbol "E"h) is the atomic unit of energy and is named after physicist Douglas Hartree.

The hartree energy is equal to the absolute value of the electric potential energy of the hydrogen atom in its ground state. This is also almost exactly twice the absolute value of the binding energy (or ionization energy) of the electron in the ground state hydrogen atom, |"W"1| (it is not "exactly" equal to twice the ionization energy, because of the finite mass of the proton; see reduced mass).

:E_mathrm{h} = {hbar^2 over {m_e a^2_0 = m_ec^2alpha^2 = {hbar c alpha over {a_0

::= 4.359 744 17(75)e|−18 J ::= 2625.5 kJ/mol::= 27.211 3845(23) eV ::= 2 Ry ::= 627.509 391 kcal/mol


:hbar is the reduced Planck constant,:m_e is the electron rest mass,:a_0 is the Bohr radius,:c is the speed of light in a vacuum, and:alpha is the fine structure constant.

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