Mu-Tron Bi-Phase

Mu-Tron Bi-Phase

The Mu-Tron Bi-Phase with control foot pedal, is a phasor pedal, designed by Mike Beigel and Aaron Newman at Musitronics USA, who also developed the Mu-tron III.[1] It is the original "big machine" which was used by many popular recording artists, most notably The Smashing Pumpkins; as an integral part in achieving the infamous "pumpkins sound" in the creation of the 1993 album Siamese Dream, which went on to sell over 6 million copies worldwide.[2] "This is one of the secrets to our secret sound. This is the Mutron Biphase. We run everything through it - everything. It's fabulous"[3] says producer Butch Vig in the video documentary Vieuphoria. It is a/c powered, with two independent phase shifters and has been dubbed "The worlds largest phase shifter."[4] It allows for great flexibility with regard to being a dedicated a phaser effects pedal.


There are two inputs available, allowing connection to one source in mono, two sources in mono, or one source in stereo (using each input for "left" and "right" ). It is worth noting that uniquely interesting sounds can be created by utilizing the two inputs for either a stereo instrument, or two mono instruments (such as bass and guitar). Especially while making use of the "sync" option whether in "reverse" or "normal" phase, thus creating a direct relationship between both inputs. (Which can either be controlled by the internal sweep generator, or the foot pedal control as to enable manual control of desired control parameters, with regard to options such as the sweep depth, wet/dry mix, or phase frequency.)


  1. ^ Barielle, Marc. "Papareil Synth Labs". Free ( 
  2. ^ Rosen, Craig (2 November 1999). "Pumpkins' "Dream"". Yahoo! Music ( 
  3. ^ Vig, Butch. "Quotephoria : the smashing pumpkins quote archive". netphoria ( 
  4. ^ Cam's Riffs — Vintage Edition, Mu-Tron Bi-Phase