

Mtispiri is the village / populated area in the Ozurgeti district of western Georgia, . The closest city - Ozurgeti is located in 17 km from it. The total population of Mtispiri is 928 (year of 2005).


It is situated at one of small mountain ranges of Meskheti range, on the right side of Bakhvi river and along the hill range, on the altitude of appr. 750 meters above the sea level.

Local government

Mtispiri, as the important village around, has its own Head of local self-government unit(Gamgebeli) and Municipal Assembly (Sakrebulo). Currently, Gamgebeli is Mr. Nukri Chavleishvili.

Education, Cultural Facilities

Mtispiri has its own secondary school, where pupils from both Mtispiri and surrounding villages (Okroskedi, Vakijvari) attend classes. There was a club in communist period, but currently is not properly functional.

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