Libertarian Movement (Italy)

Libertarian Movement (Italy)
Movimento Libertario
Leader Leonardo Facco
Coordinator Giorgio Fidenato
Founded September 24, 2005 (launched as cultural movement)
September 2007 (founded as political movement-party) (September 24, 2005 (launched as cultural movement)
September 2007 (founded as political movement-party)
Headquarters Via Lino Zanussi 3, 33170 Pordenone
Newspaper Enclave, I Fogli di Enclave
Ideology agorism, anarcho-capitalism, anti-federalism, anti-statism, classical liberalism, euroscepticism, free market, Individualism, laissez-faire, liberism, libertarianism, minarchism, non-interventionism, non-violence, non-voting, objectivism, voluntaryism
International affiliation Interlibertarians
European affiliation None
Official colors Yellow or gold
Politics of Italy
Political parties

The term Movimento Libertario (English: Libertarian Movement) refers to a political party and a cultural movement organisation based in Italy characterized by a libertarianism cultural and political platform: minimal regulation of Italian society, liberism of the markets, strong defense of natural rights of liberty and property, non-interventionism in foreign policy, and laissez-faire freedom of trade and travel to all foreign countries.[citation needed]



The Movimento Libertario was originally an Italian cultural association for the dissemination of libertarianism. It began on September 24, 2005, in Treviglio with the writing of the "Manifesto and Constitution of the Movimento Libertario" by Leonardo Facco. The Movimento Libertario became also an Italian political subject when it was officially founded in September 2007 by Leonardo Facco, Giorgio Fidenato and Marcello Mazzilli,[1][citation needed] to defend life, liberty and property of each individual within a strong liberist system of free market, against any kind of aggression and/or coercion. The Association has its registered office in the Municipality of Pordenone.

The Movimento Libertario has as its symbol a round disk with a yellow-gold background in reference to the gold standard and also to its membership in the anarcho-capitalist movement. The symbol is part of the assets of the association.

The term movimento libertario in Italian language has a dual meaning. Historically, it first generally refers to the Italian anarchism and European anarchist movements (libertarism) with social anarchist inspirations.[2] The anarchist socialist tradition uses the term "libertarism" to describe themselves and their ideas since 1857. The French anarchist communist Joseph Déjacque employed the term libertario in a political sense in an open letter criticizing Pierre-Joseph Proudhon.[3][4]

Italian libertarians of the Movimento Libertario use the Italian anarchic term libertario not to refer to European ideas and methods of traditional anarchism, but to refer to the concepts of principles of market liberalism, introduced in Italy by Bruno Leoni. They want also to remark and increase the cultural distance from Italian and European conception of liberalism, that in the 20th century appeared as democratic liberalism forms of statism. Italian libertarians of the ML often prefer to define themselves as libertarians libertari but with adjective connotative of anarcho-capitalists, to distinguish themselves as pro-market supporters from the libertarians socialists or the traditional anarchists.

Traditional and collectivists Italian anarchists, they judge the ML as not a real anarchist movement, but they think that rather is a ploy of the classic liberal elite and middle class to increase social inequality. They also consider that the term libertario or at least inappropriate for the nature of the movement within the Italian historical context.[5]

Cultural association

The Movimento Libertario, as cultural association intends to be an Italian promoter of the spread of classical liberalism and libertarian vision in policy, free market and economic liberalism in economy.Their motto is: "Everyone is free to do what he thinks is right for himself, without attacking anyone, and without attacking the property rights of others".The movement's members believe that policy is especially spread of freedom as economic freedom culture: meetings, debates, on the web, and with conferences and publications[citation needed]


The Movimento Libertario is politically inspired by the classical liberalism of John Locke and the Founding Fathers of the United States conjugated to 19th-century American individualist anarchist strand of Benjamin Tucker, Henry David Thoreau and Lysander Spooner.[6][7]

In economy it is inspired on lessons of the Austrian school and in particular to the theoretic formulation of the philosopher and economist libertarian anarcho-capitalist Murray N. Rothbard.[8] The actions in favor of tax resistance, free entrepreneurship and political non-voting also recall the agorist reflections by Samuel Edward Konkin III although the Movimento Libertario does not officially identify itself in programmatic positions and spectrum of the American left-libertarians.

Movimento Libertario also includes some aspects from the American model of liberty theorized by Robert Nozick (minarchism) and the Objectivism philosophy described in novels by Ayn Rand. The Movimento Libertario refers to freedom of association of the anarchic federalism, anarcho-capitalist free market society and to the Jeffersonian limited government of classical liberalism. The term "federalism" as it is used by the Movimento Libertario, in a sense to be in favor of a political of decentralization and for a real local fiscality against the centralism of the national Italian State.

The Movimento Libertario is an anti-federalist organization about the Europe; it is against the federal European Union government, preferring the voluntary accession and the unanimity of a Confederation. Historians Italian thinkers of reference for the Movimento Libertario in economy and policy include Ferdinando Galiani, Cesare Beccaria, Filippo Mazzei, Emerico Amari, Carlo Cattaneo, Gaetano Mosca, Vilfredo Pareto, Luigi Einaudi, Bruno Leoni, Gianfranco Miglio.[citation needed]


The Movimento Libertario periodically publish two magazines: I Fogli di Enclave and the magazine Enclave which give space to various political issues, cultural, social and economic libertarians Italian and international.[citation needed]In Scientific Committee of Enclave magazine belong: Walter Block, David D. Friedman, Hans Hermann Hoppe, John Hospers, Antonio Martino, Pierre Lemieux, Tibor R. Machan, Jan Narveson, Wendy McElroy, Ralph Raico, Robert Sirico, Thomas S. Szasz.

The Movimento Libertario collaborates actively with the members of and their Association (ALT), in cultural and economic free market iniziatives (conferences and publications like I Fogli di Enclave) between libertarians subjects in Italy and Canton Ticino.[citation needed]


The Nolan Chart, with the traditional left-right political spectrum, as seen by David Nolan, on the dashed diagonal

Respecting the historical definition of libertarian, the Movimento Libertario seeks to bring in Italy the same contents of others libertarians parties and movements in the world but with the agorist practice of non-voting,[9] thus not directly participating in political Italian elections with the symbol of the Movimento Libertario. Although in fact the Movimento Libertario is an officially registered Italian political party[citation needed], as anti-statist movement disclaims the State legality and its political elections.

The Movimento Libertario is not classifiable in the political-ideologic traditions of the 20th century present in Italy. Like other libertarians entities in the world, the subject respects the political spectrum of Nolan Chart. One of its slogans said: "Neither right nor left, nor centrist. Simply free is better".


The Movimento Libertario in its founding act declares and acknowledges libertarian principles as internals to its Statute:

  • Freedom, understood as the absence of constraint is a natural right of the individual, which nobody (private or public organization) must threaten;
  • The Government, in its various variants, forces people to obey blindly and accept legislation invasive and oppressive monopoly;
  • Everyone has the right to seek their own happiness and that of his loved ones, taking responsibility for their actions;
  • Each individual is entitled organize in freedom themselves to protect their lives and their belongings, particularly given the enormous difficulties posed by the power of politicians at all levels;
  • The need to eliminate and reduce the state, politicians and bureaucracies in the everyday life, increasingly recognizing the dignity of all people working really, producing their own resources and possessions.
  • Property is a natural and inalienable right of man, is primarily the property of themselves, of the own bodies and of one's life.

Notable political battle

About the withholding tax

Battle to sow GMO maize

The Movimento Libertario favors the free cultivation and the free marketing of seeds and GMO foods and no limits to GMOs in Italy, consumer freedom to choose their own products, and freedom of private scientific research as long as it respect the natural human rights and it does not use public money. The Movimento Libertario does not support the theory of global warming.

Violence suffered

In April 2010, the Movimento Libertario and its members were subjected to threats and acts of violent vandalism in its headquarters by a Italian Anti-globalization movement and environmentalist group about the question of GMO maize.[10][11][12][13]

Italian Radicals referred in Parliament the threats to person and property that Giorgio Fidenato and Italian Federated Farmers received.[14] Parliamentary questions mentions also that the Italian government still does not recognize the right to sown GMO maize, as determined by decision of the Italian Council of State and European Community Directive.

Enrico Montesano

In 2009, Italian actor Enrico Montesano supports the battle to abolish withholding tax. Montesano is against the subsidies allocated by the government to finance Italian theater and film productions: he supports the proposition that the "work of an artist is judged at the box office and the public decides."[15]

See also


  1. ^ The libertarian way to happiness L'Opinione, by Elisa Borghi. Retrieved on May 18, 2007. Interview to Marcello Mazzilli spokesman of the Movimento Libertario.
  2. ^ Woodcock, George (1966). L'anarchia: storia delle idee e dei movimenti libertari. Milano: Feltrinelli Editore. 
  3. ^ Anarchism: A Documentary History of Libertarian Ideas - Volume One: From Anarchy to Anarchism (300CE-1939)], ed. Robert Graham; includes English translations of Joseph Dejacque's 1857 letter to Proudhon.
  4. ^ "De l'être-humain mâle et femelle–Lettre à P.J. Proudhon par Joseph Déjacque" (in French)
  5. ^ Norman P. Barry, Del liberalismo classico e del libertarianismo, ELiDiR , Roma, 1993
  6. ^ Paolo Zanotto, Il Movimento Libertario americano dagli anni sessanta ad oggi: radici storico-dottrinali e discriminanti ideologico-politiche, Siena, Università degli Studi di Siena, 2001. Archived from
  7. ^ The political theory of libertarian political, cultural and economic references of the Movimento Libertario
  8. ^ The legacy of the Austrian School l'Opinione, by William Longhi. Retrieved on April 29, 2004.
  9. ^ Classic liberals at the polls: what to do? L'Opinione, by Gustavo Cevolani. Retrieved on April 10, 2008.
  10. ^ Video about violent protests by environmentalists and no-global movements against Italian Federated Farmers
  11. ^ GMO: FVG, opponents bursts within Federated Farmers Agi News Retrieved on April 30, 2010.
  12. ^ GMO maize, war breaks out of the seed Il Giornale, by Fausto Biloslavo. Retrieved on May 1, 2010.
  13. ^ TG5 tv service on Fidenato and the Movimento Libertario first sowing GMO in Italy Retrieved on May 1, 2010. In the tv service the violent protests by environmentalists and no-global movements against Italian Federated Farmers.
  14. ^ Assembly Reports Annex B Seat N°316, May 4, 2010. Italian parliamentary question of the Italian Radicals to the Italian minister of the Interior and to his colleague to the Italian Agriculture. Archived from
  15. ^ And Montesano sings the libertarians Rap! Il Secolo d'Italia by Daniele Priori, page 16. Retrieved on November 4, 2009. Archived from

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