Mort Fertel

Mort Fertel
Fertel in Baltimore, 2005.

Mort Fertel (born February 15, 1965) is an American author, public speaker, and relationship counselor. Fertel's book "Marriage Fitness: 4 Steps to Building & Maintaining Phenomenal Love" is ranked among the 100 best-selling self-help books in AmazonsHappinesscategory.[1] The Library Journal says the book containssurprisingly sound methodsand calls it anexcellent choice for public libraries.”[2]

Fertel also created and runs the Marriage Fitness Tele-Boot Camp, a relationship-building and marriage program thats conducted over the phone and utilizes CDs and a workbook.[3]


Marriage Fitness

Fertels Marriage Fitness program seeks to approach marriage from the perspective of health and wellness rather than through conventional "problem solving" methods. The program has been calledinnovativebecause of itsuniquestep-by-step approach that teaches couples how tosavetheir marriage.[3][4]

Writing about the principles covered in Fertels Marriage Fitness program, Stephen R. Covey, author of The 7 Habits of Highly Effective People, saidMarriage Fitness will not only improve your marriage significantly, but I believe you will become a better individual by following its guidelines.”[5]

Media appearances

Fertels articles on marriage have appeared in Family Circle, the Christian Post, and Self Growth.[6][7][8] He has been a guest on NBC, CBS, PBS, and the Fox News Network. He is also a frequent guest on talk radio programs including NPR. And his advice on relationships and marriage have appeared in numerous national and regional magazines and newspapers, including Glamour Magazine, Fitness Magazine, Womens Health, The Library Journal, The Denver Post, The Orlando Sentinel, The Buffalo News, The Baltimore Sun, The Toronto Sun, and the Albany Herald.[2][3][9][10][11][12][13]

Background and education

Fertel is a graduate of the Wharton School and the University of Pennsylvania. He worked on Wall Street, then founded a direct mail advertising company. He later became CEO of an international non-profit organization before founding Marriage Fitness.[3][10]

He lives in Baltimore, MD, with his wife and five children, including triplets. [12]


External links

Wikimedia Foundation. 2010.

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