Monte Carlo Universal

Monte Carlo Universal

Monte Carlo Universal (MCU) is a project on development and practical use of a universal computer code for simulation of particle transport (neutrons, photons, electrons) in three-dimensional systems by means of the Monte Carlo method.

The main advantage of the Monte Carlo method is its ability to simulate the interaction of radiation with substance on the basis of the information from files of the evaluated nuclear data (i.e.the most exact data without additional assumptions is used). Besides, this method practically does not impose restrictions on the geometry of considered systems.

It is well known, that in many cases the Monte Carlo method used with evaluated nuclear data, may replace experiment. At present days such codes are used at the analysis of radiation and nuclear safety of existing and at designing new objects of atomic energy and for other purposes.

The MCU Project started in RRC "Kurchatov Institute" in 1982.

The results of the calculations were used for benchmark and other types of analysis by Oak Ridge National Laboratory, Nuclear Energy Agency, etc.

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