Monique Adolphe

Monique Adolphe

Monique Adolphe (born 23 March 1932) is a French scientist and researcher into the field of cell biology. She was one of the pioneers of cell culture in vitro and its applications in alternatives to animal testing. She is an Officier de la Légion d'honneur ("Officer of the Legion of Honour"), one of the highest awards in France, and has received several other important decorations and distinctions (see below).



After her pharmacological internship in the Hôtel-Dieu de Paris under Jean Cheymol's supervision in the 1950s, Monique Adolphe moved in 1960 into the field of cell culture. With Paul Lechat she was an ardent advocate of alternative methods to animal testing by promoting the use of in vitro techniques, while recognising the limits of these methods.[1]

Much of her research career was devoted to the study of cartilage and chondrocyte biology.[2] As Research Director of the Laboratory of Cellular Pharmacology of the École pratique des hautes études until 1997, she trained dozens of young scientists in cell culture methods. In 1986 she founded the Société de pharmaco-toxicologie cellulaire ("Society of Cellular Pharmaco-Toxicology") (SPTC).

From 1990 to 1994 she was president of the École pratique des hautes études. On 7 January 2009 she became Chair of the Académie Nationale de Pharmacie ("National Academy of Pharmacy")[3][4] for one year—the first woman to hold this post since the Academy was created in 1803.


  • Member of the National Academy of Medicine (elected 2001)
  • Honorary member the National Academy of Pharmacy (elected in 1984, Honorary since 2002); Vice-President since March 2008; Chair since January 2009
  • Honorary President of the Society of cellular pharmaco-toxicology
  • Honorary President of the European Society of tissue culture
  • Officier de la Légion d'honneur
  • Commander of the Order of Merit[5]
  • Commandeur des Palmes Académiques


Translator's note: Many of these works are in French.

  • Pharmacologie moléculaire, Yves Cohen with Monique Adolphe (et al.), ed. Masson, 1978.
  • Advances in Physiological Sciences, Vol. 10: Chemotherapy, Monique Adolphe, Publisher: Franklin Book Company, Inc, 1979. ISBN 0-08023-214-0.
  • Culture de cellules animales, Monique Adolphe and Georgia Barlovatz-Meimon, ed. INSERM, 1987.
  • Méthodes in vitro en pharmaco-toxicologie, Monique Adolphe and André Guillouzo, ed. INSERM, 1988, ISBN 2-85598-350-9.
  • Biological Regulations of the Chondrocytes, Monique Adolphe, Publisher: CRC Pr Llc, 1992. ISBN 0-84936-733-6.
  • Culture de cellules animales, Georgia Barlovatz-Meimon and Monique Adolphe, ed. INSERM, 2003. ISBN 2-85598-753-9.


Translator's note: These are in French.

External links

Translator's note: These are in French.

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