Monika Popiolek

Monika Popiolek

Monika Popiolek, born 1966, is a Polish translator[1] and interpreter of the English language, professional manager and lecturer. She is a graduate of the Modern Languages Faculty English Institute of the University of Warsaw, Executive MBA Programme at the Warsaw University of Technology Business School (a joint London Business School, HEC, NHH & WUT MBA programme), and a PhD Programme at the Enterprise Management Faculty of the Warsaw School of Economics. Monika Popiolek has been involved in the theatre and performing arts since 1988. She was the organiser of the International Festival of Drama in English (19881990), a co-founder of one of the first independent private theatre in Poland (MTL), co-producer and co-director of the first Polish production of Howard Barker's "Possibilities" (as well as Fay Weldon's Action Replay and Dario Fo's "A Woman Alone", among others), event manager at the renowned avant-garde "Riviera-Remont" Culture Centre (19881992), manager of several performing artists (19901992). She has been involved in the KONTAKT International Theatre Festival for nearly 20 years as a translator, interpreter, and simultaneous reader of performances.


Translation bibliography

Theatre plays and adaptations from English into Polish

  • Książę żaba (The Frog Prince) – David Mamet
  • Możliwości (The Possibilities) - Howard Barker
  • Zamek (The Castle) - Howard Barker
  • Arystokraci (Aristocrats) – Brian Friel
  • Gazy super szlachetne (Finer Noble Gases) - Adam Rapp
  • Oczyszczenie (Cleansed) – Sara Kane
  • Daaali - Albert Boadella
  • Bianka Brasellikobieta z dwoma głowami (Bianca BraselliA Woman with Two Heads) - Jan Weiss
  • Quizoola! - Tim Etchells, Forced Entertainment
  • Zwolnij tempo (Stop the Tempo ) - Gianina Cãrbunariu
  • Kos (Blackbird) - David Harrower
  • A po dniu nastaje noc (That Night Follows Day) – Tim Etchells, Forced Entertainment, 2007
  • Nieprawdopodobna częstotliwość (Improbable Frequency) - Arthur Riordan, 2006
  • Marta z błękitnego wzgórza (Marta of the Blue Hill) - Alvis Hermanis based on Janis Arvids Plaudis' novel, 2010

Theatre plays and adaptations from Polish into English

  • The Battle of Grunwald (Bitwa pod Grunwaldem) – based on a short story by Tadeusz Borowski
  • Story of ??? a Manbased on a novel by Borys Polewoj, adaptation - Teatr Buchty a Loutky (The Noodle & Puppet Theatre)
  • Caligulabased on a play by Albert Camus
  • Hairy MachinesKo van den Bosch
  • Sleepwalkers, Esch or Anarchybased on a novel by Herman Broch
  • Murder OneWitold Gombrowicz
  • PianolaAleksander Adabaszjan, Nikita Michalkov - a play in two acts based on the works of A. Chechov
  • A History of the Polish Peoples Republicbased on the works of Slawomir Mrozek
  • The So-called Mankind Gone Mad, based on the works of Stanislaw Ignacy Witkiewicz (Witkacy)
  • IIwan Vyrypajev, 2004
  • Family Situations - Biljana Srbljanović
  • File O - Xi Yu Che Jian - 1992
  • Self No. 2 (aka Genesis No. 2) - Antonina Vielikanova, Ivan Vyrypajev, 2004
  • Fizdeykos Daughter - based on a play by Witkacy
  • Helvers Night - Ingmar Villqist
  • PaternosterHelmut Kajzar
  • Immanuel Kantbased on a play by Thomas Bernhard
  • Top Dogs - Urs Widmer
  • OxygenIvan Vyrypaev
  • Condensed Milk Landscapebased on a play by Georg Seidel
  • From Poland with Love - Paweł Demirski
  • Justinebased on a novel by Marquis de Sade

Films from English into Polish

  • Drzewa figowe (Fig Trees) - feature documentary - John Greyson, Canada 2009
  • Operacja - Opowieści z rosyjskiej prowincji (The OperationStories from the Russian Province) - Dir. Kerstin Nickig
  • Korporacja (The Corporation) - Mark Achbar, Jennifer Abbott, Joel Bakan, 2003
  • Wrzeszczący faceci (Screaming Men) - Mika Ronkainen, 2003
  • Nadprodukcja (Surplus. Terrorized into Being Consumers) - Erik Gandini, Johan Söderberg. 2003- ATMO
  • Przyzwoita fabryka (Decent Factory) - Thomas Balmès
  • Siostry w obliczu prawa (Sisters In Law) – Kim Longinotto, Florence Ayisi, Vixen Films, 2005
  • Kometa (The Comet) – Ó Sveriges Television AB
  • Soske, dir. Rada Sesic, The Netherlands, 2001
  • 37 zastosowań martwej owcy (37 Uses for a Dead Sheep), dir. Ben Hopkins, UK, 2006

Films from Polish into English

  • Witkacya Biographical Documentary Film, Eureka Films for Chanel 2 TVP SA, 1995
  • First Movie, Klara Kopcińska & Józef Żuk Piwkowski
  • Lucky Strike, Robert Brutter & Maciej Dutkiewicz, 1998

TV series from English into Polish

  • Jaś Fasola (Mr. Bean) - Thames International
  • Powrót Jasia Fasoli (The Return of Mr. Bean) - Thames International
  • Przekleństwo Jasia Fasoli (The Curse of Mr. Bean) - Thames International
  • Latający Cyrk Monty Pythona (Monty Pythons Flying Circus)
  • Kobiety jazzu (Women in Jazz)
  • KYTV, BBC, 19891993


External links

  • [1] Katalog Czasopism Kulturalnych
  • [2] Polska Bibliografia Literacka
  • [4] Międzynarodowy Festiwal Filmowy WATCH DOCS (6. edycja)
  • [5] Międzynarodowy Festiwal Filmowy WATCH DOCS (9. edycja)
  • [6] Festiwal Filmowy WATCH DOCS. Prawa Człowieka w Filmie
  • [8] KONTAKT International Theatre Festival

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