Mohammed ibn Zakri al-Fasi

Mohammed ibn Zakri al-Fasi

Moroccan literature

List of writers
Moroccan literature
Moroccan Arabic

Moroccan authors

Playwrights – Poets
Essayists – Historians
Travel writers – Sufi writers
Moorish writers


Novel – Poetry – Plays

Criticism & Awards

Literary theory – Critics
Literary Prizes

See also

El Majdoub – Awzal
ChoukriBen Jelloun
ZafzafEl Maleh
Chraîbi – Mernissi
Leo AfricanusKhaïr-Eddine

Morocco Portal
Literature Portal

Mohammed Abu Abdallah ibn Abd al-Rahman ibn Zakri al-Fasi (died 1731) was a Moroccan writer of the 18th century. He is the author of commentaries on works of grammar, theology and mysticism, didactic poems and prose work.[1] His biography (Al-arf al-sihri fi bad fadail) was written by al-Ghassani al-Wazir (1653–1733).


  1. ^ William Charles Brice, An Historical Atlas of Islam, Brill, 1981, p. 403, 2

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