Modulation space

Modulation space

Modulation spaces[1] are a family of Banach spaces defined by the behavior of the short-time Fourier transform with respect to a test function from the Schwartz space. They were originally proposed by Hans Georg Feichtinger and are recognized to be the right kind of function spaces for time-frequency analysis. Feichtinger's algebra, while originally introduced as a new Segal algebra[2], is identical to a certain modulation space and has become a widely used space of test functions for time-frequency analysis.

Modulation spaces are defined as follows. For  1\leq p,q \leq \infty , a non-negative function m(x,ω) on \mathbb{R}^{2d} and a test function  g \in \mathcal{S}(\mathbb{R}^d) , the modulation space  M^{p,q}_m(\mathbb{R}^d) is defined by

 M^{p,q}_m(\mathbb{R}^d)  = \left\{ f\in \mathcal{S}'(\mathbb{R}^d)\ :\ \left(\int_{\mathbb{R}^d}\left(\int_{\mathbb{R}^d} |V_gf(x,\omega)|^p m(x,\omega)^p dx\right)^{q/p} d\omega\right)^{1/q} < \infty\right\}.

In the above equation, Vgf denotes the short-time Fourier transform of f with respect to g evaluated at (x,ω). In other words,  f\in M^{p,q}_m(\mathbb{R}^d) is equivalent to  V_gf\in L^{p,q}_m(\mathbb{R}^{2d}) . It should be noted, that the space  M^{p,q}_m(\mathbb{R}^d) is the same, independent of the test function  g \in \mathcal{S}(\mathbb{R}^d) chosen. The canonical choice is a Gaussian.

Feichtinger's algebra

For p = q = 1 and m(x,ω) = 1, the modulation space  M^{1,1}_m(\mathbb{R}^d) = M^1(\mathbb{R}^d) is known by the name Feichtinger's algebra and often denoted by S0 for being the minimal Segal algebra invariant under time-frequency shifts, i.e. combined translation and modulation operators.  M^1(\mathbb{R}^d) is invariant under Fourier transform and a Banach space embedded in  L^1(\mathbb{R}^d) \cap C_0(\mathbb{R}^d)  . It is for these and more properties that  M^1(\mathbb{R}^d) is a natural choice of test function space for time-frequency analysis.


  1. ^ Foundations of Time-Frequency Analysis by Karlheinz Gröchenig
  2. ^ H. Feichtinger. "On a new Segal algebra" Monatsh. Math. 92:269–289, 1981.

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