Modern Combat 3: Fallen Nation

Modern Combat 3: Fallen Nation

Modern Combat 3: Fallen Nation is a first-person shooter video game developed and published by Gameloft for the iPhone, iPod Touch iPad and for Android devices. It is the sequel to 2010's Modern Combat 2: Black Pegasus, and features new environments, updated graphics,more aresnal of realistic weapons with enhancements eg.(sniper scope on AK47 etc.) and more robust multiplayer. The release date was confirmed on the hands on video gameplay by Gameloft saying that it will be released October 27, 2011.


The game's single-player mode takes place in 13 levels of play. The multi-player game supports up to 12 players in six different maps and features seven different game modes. This game is played on ios and android devices


The thirteen missions are fun to play. If you get stuck in a level check out the walkthroughs in this site:


Now the best part of the game: multiplayer.


Countdown, Recon, Backup, Alert, Scramble, and Divide.

Game Modes

Battle: Free for All deathmatch for the most kills

Team Battle: Team deathmatch for the team with the most kills

Capture the Flag: Team with most Flag captures wins

Manhunt: Free for all carry the flag for the longest amount of time to win. (flag carrier is visible on radar even if not shooting. Unknown if radar jammer or camoflage prevent this)

Zone Control: Team that controls the most zones for the longest period of time wins. (Zone capture times double with two players captureing, triple with three, etc)

Destruction: One team wins by destroying all 4 target, The other wins by preventing this till time limit is reached (Only one target is available at a time: the first must be destroyed to move to the second, etc)

Bomb Squad: One team wins by planting a bomb and protecting it until it detonates, the other wins by preventing the planting or by defusing the bomb. (Two plant zones are availible)


scanning satellite (3 Kills) (scans for enemies on the battlefield.Cannot scan enemies with the camouflage perk or when near a radar jammer)

air strike (5 Kills) (calls in an airstrike that attacks a random position on the map)

turret (7 Kills) (deploys a turret that fires on enemies.Cannot fire players with camouflage elite.)

helicopter (10 Kills) (calls in a helicopter that flies around the battlefield killing enemies. Cannot fire at players with camouflage elite)

bomber (13 Kills) (calls a bomber that drops payloads of bombs on the battlefield)

nuke(20 kills) (deploys a nuke that kills everyone and ends the game)

Advanced Settings

Time Limits: 5, 10, 15, 20, and 30 minutes

Score Limits: dependant on match type

Max Players: 2, 4, 6, 8, 10, 12

Aim Assist: on/off

Auto-Balance: on/off (Evens teams out by number of players and ranks)

Military Support: on/off (Players should turn off millitary support until bomb spammer issues are resolved by gameloft)

Private Match: on/off (when on only friends from friends list or invited players can join)


1. Bravel-1 (FN Scar H) (MP Starter) AR

Damage: 4/10 Accuracy: 6/10 Fire Rate: 5/10 Mobility: 4/10 Range: 3/10 Cost: 0 (You start out with this weapon)

2. MC81 (MP7) (MP Rank 3) SMG

Damage: 3/10 Accuracy: 7/10 Fire Rate: 8/10 Mobility: 6/10 Range: 2/10 Cost: 5,000

3. Intercept-L200 (M200 Intervention) (MP Rank 10) Sniper

Damage: 9/10 Accuracy: 9/10 Fire Rate: 2/10 Mobility: 4/10 Range: 9/10 Cost: 7,000

4. ACM (ACR) (MP Rank 16) AR

Damage: 5/10 Accuracy: 7/10 Fire Rate: 6/10 Mobility: 4/10 Range: 4/10 Cost: 11,000

5. Shred 4 (MP Rank 22) LMG

Damage: 3/10 Accuracy: 4/10 Fire Rate: 9/10 Mobility: 3/10 Range: 2/10 Cost: 16,000

6. OPS55 (UMP .45) (MP Rank 24) SMG

Damage: 5/10 Accuracy: 6/10 Fire Rate: 7/10 Mobility: 5/10 Range: 3/10 Cost: 12,000

7. KT-44 (AK-47) (MP Rank 28) AR

Damage: 6/10 Accuracy: 4/10 Fire Rate: 6/10 Mobility: 6/10 Range: 2/10 Cost: 28,000

8. Maiden (FAMAS) (MP Rank 35) AR

Damage: 3/10 Accuracy: 5/10 Fire Rate: 6/10 Mobility: 4/10 Range: 5/10 Cost: 16,000

9. TXR- Reaper (TDI Vector) (MP Rank 40) SMG

Damage: 4/10 Accuracy: 6/10 Fire Rate: 7/10 Mobility: 5/10 Range: 4/10 Cost: 20,000

10. TZ4- Compakt: (M4) (MP Rank 46) AR

Damage: 4/10 Accuracy: 7/10 Fire Rate: 6/10 Mobility: 4/10 Range: 5/10 Cost: 16,000

11. KR600 (MP Rank 52) Sniper

Damage: 7/10 Accuracy: 9/10 Fire Rate: 5/10 Mobility: 5/10 Range: 7/10

12. Automat-X (Steyr AUG LMG) (Rank 64) LMG

Damage: 4/10 Accuracy: 4/10 Fire Rate: 6/10 Mobility: 5/10 Range: 3/10 Cost:28,000

13. ZN6-Prototype (XM8) (MP Rank 70) AR

Damage: 4/10 Accuracy: 7/10 Fire Rate: 7/10 Mobility: 4/10 Range: 5/10


1:MK45 (MP Starter)

Damage: 5/10 Accuracy: 7/10 Fire Rate: 8/10 Mobility: 7/10 Range: 4/10 Cost: 0 (You start out with this weapon)

Defiler (Kel-Tec KSG) (Shotgun) (MP Rank 7)

Damage: 8/10 Accuracy: 4/10 Fire Rate: 2/10 Mobility: 4/10 Range: 3/10

Vulture (Desert Eagle) (Pistol) (MP Rank 12)

Damage: 6/10 Accuracy: 6/10 Fire Rate: 7/10 Mobility: 5/10 Range: 3/10 Cost: 10,000

Rampage-4 (Rocket Launcher) (MP Rank 18)

Damage: 9/10 Accuracy: 9/10 Fire Rate: 1/10 Mobility: 3/10 Range: 9/10 Cost: 18,000

N4010 (Benelli M4 Super 90) (Shotgun) (MP Rank 31)

Damage: 7/10 Accuracy: 2/10 Fire Rate: 4/10 Mobility: 4/10 Range: 2/10 Cost: 16,000

Roar 3000 (AA-12) (Shotgun) (MP Rank 58)

Damage: 6/10 Accuracy: 3/10 Fire Rate:6/10 Mobility: 4/10 Range: 2/10

ZXD (Launcher) (MP Rank 76)

Damage: 9/10 Accuracy: 2/10 Fire Rate: 2/10 Mobility: 4/10 Range: 4/10

.44 Revolver (.44 Magnum) (Pistol) (MP Rank 82)

Damage: 7/10 Accuracy: 4/10 Fire Rate: 6/10 Mobility: 5/10 Range: 2/10


Frag Grenade "Huge instant damage. Detonates after 3 seconds."

Cost: 0 (You start out with this weapon

Flash Grenade

"Flash of light blinds view for 3 seconds."

Cost: 2,000

Sticky Grenade (Semtex)

"Sticks to target and explodes shortly after."

Cost: 8,000

Stun Grenade

"Slows down any opponent inside radius of effect."

Cost: 16,000

Incendiary Grenade

"Damages any opponent standing in fire."

Cost: 20,000

Throwing Knive (Rank 90)

"Throw deadly knife. Instant kill upon hit."


MC3 also includes a variety of extensions for weapons.

Acog ScopeIncreses Zoom and Adds 1 bar to accuracy

Thermal ScopeHighlights all human targets but, Adds 1 bar to accuracy but reducs the scope size.

Red Dot SightPrecision aiming For longer range shooting less effective at close range.

Holo. ScopePrecision aiming

FMJ BulletsIncreases Damage by 1 bar

Suppressor - makes you invisible to enemy radars, but decreases damage by 2 bars

Extended MagAdds extra ammo to your clip

GripReduces recoil and adds 1 bar to accuracy

Flash HiderHides Muzzle Flash (hides the flash that the gun makes when you shoot, increases accuracy by 1 bar

StockReduces Recoil, adds 1 bar to accuracy in some guns and mobility in others


Ammo Belt - Cost: 5,000 In-game Description: Doubles the amount of ammo carried.

Useful for guns with low ammo, or game modes like Destruction.

Ammo Belt Elite - Cost: 60,000

In-Game Description: Triples the amount of ammo carried.

Useful for guns with low ammo, or game modes like Destruction.

C4 Explosive - Cost: 5,000

In-Game Description: Carry 1 remotely activated explosive.

Useful for game modes like Zone Control and Capture the flag.

C4 Explosive Elite - Cost: 60,000

In-game Description: Carry 1 remotely activated explosive. Bigger explosion range and damage.

Useful for game modes like Zone Control and Capture the flag. Due to the bigger range and damage, you can hide it close but not far from the flag, so that the opponent won't be able to shoot your explosive down because they won't see it.

Sensor - Cost: 5,000

In-game Description: Displays the location of enemies near the sensor.

Useful for camping, as you will know if anyone is getting close, and also useful if you are playing a game with no Military Support.

Sensor Elite - Cost: 60,000

In-game Description: Displays the location of enemies near the sensor. Range increased.

Useful for camping, as you will know if anyone is getting close, and also useful if you are playing a game with no Military Suport. It can also be placed to make sure that no one is camping in your current territory either.

Radar Jammer - Cost: 5,000

In-game Description: Disables radar of enemies near the jammer.

Useful for hiding, and camping, although it is usually outclassed by Camouflage/Elite. However, Radar Jammer also hides your teammates, not just yourself.

Radar Jammer Elite - Cost: 60,000

In-game Description: Disables radar of enemies near the jammer. Range increased.

Useful for hiding, and camping, although it is usually outclassed by Camouflage/Elite. However, Radar Jammer Elite also hides your teammates, not just yourself.

Mine - Cost: 5,000

In-game Description: Carry 1 proximity-activated explosive.

Useful for camping, as you can set up a mine close behind you to take anyone who is sneaking up to knife you out. And, you don't have to pay as much attention to it as you do with the C4 because anyone who walks over it gets blown up.

Mine Elite - Cost: 60,000

In-game Description: Carry 1 proximity-activated explosive. Bigger explosion range and damage.

Useful for camping, as you can set up a mine close (but not as close as the un-upgraded Mine) behind you to take anyone who is sneaking up to knife you out. You do not have to pay as much attention to it like with the C4, because anyone who walks over it pays the consequences. Thanks to the bigger range and damage, no one can sprint over it quickly with Athlete Elite and come out damaged but not dead.

Camouflage - Cost: 5,000

In-game Description: Become undetectable by satellite scan and sensor.

Useful for camping, Manhunt, and a variety of other things. For example, if you capture the flag in Capture the Flag, no one will know the route you are taking except for your teammates.

Camouflage Elite - Cost: 60,000

In-game Description: Become undetectable by satellite scan and sensor. Can't be targeted by helicopter or turret.

Useful for camping, Manhunt, staying safe while a helicopter is out, and a variety of other things. For example, if your teammates keep on getting taken out by a turret, you can safely find it and destroy it.

Armor - Cost: 5,000

In-game Description: Maximum health is increased by 25%.

It's not very useful, but it may help you survive a one-on-one fight, or running through an Incendiary Grenades fire.

Armor Elite - Cost: 60,000

In-game Description: Maximum health is increased by 35%. Protects from headshots.

A lot more useful than the un-upgraded version, as headshots don't affect you, and you can survive being knifed once. I am not yet sure if it can run through an upgraded mine and not come out dead.


Gun Expert - Cost: 5,000 In-game Description: Increases the reload speed of equipped weapon by 25%.

Gun Expert is useful for weapons that have a slow reload, like Rampage-4, and helps you get back into the battle fast.

Gun Expert Elite - Cost: 60,000

In-game Description: Increases the reload speed of equipped weapon by 50%.

Obviously, this is better than the un-upgraded version by far, and the same things said for Gun Expert work here, only better.

Natural Born Soldier - Cost: 5,000

In-game Description: Increases XP gains for every action by 10%.

While extra XP gain sounds good on paper, the amount given isn't very good, so it's best to stick with something else. However, if you are eager to level up to say, get a gun that you've been longing for, then it would be best to get this and upgrade to the Elite version.

Natural Born Soldier Elite - Cost: 60,000

In-game Description: Increases XP gains for every action by 20%.

The notes made on the un-upgraded version pretty much apply to here.

Athlete - Cost: 5,000

In-game Description: Increases sprinting speed by 15% and extends sprinting time.

This skill is a great skill, also because while it says that it increases sprinting speed by 15%, it also increases walking speed by 15%. Great for getting away from someone or doing a hit and run operation.

Athlete Elite - Cost: 60,000

In-game Description: Increases sprinting speed by 30% and extends sprinting time.

As with every Elite perk/skill, it is better than the previous version. The same things that worked with Athlete apply to Athlete Elite on a bigger scale. I think you can safely run over a mine quickly and almost get killed, but not yet killed. It's quite useful too, when paired with Camoflauge Elite in Capture the Flag.

Anatomy Scientist - Cost: 5,000

In-game Description: Health regeneration increased by 50%.

I don't have the perk, but it doesn't seem like a bad one if you can keep taking cover and launch back into the fight. I figure that it would be useful when running from an opponent, or hiding as your enemies are trying to find you.

Anatomy Scientist Elite - Cost: 60,000

In-game Description: Health Regeneration increased by 75%.

This skill seems amazing, but I'll have to get it before I can give you a true insight on it. Either way, I've seen it demonstrated so the notes I put for its old version apply here as well.

Field Specialist - Cost: 5,000

In-game Description: Killchain requirement to call military support is reduced by one.

This is one of the best skills in the game, as it can call in a satellite in two kills, and so on.

Field Specialist Elite - Cost: 60,000

In-game Description: Killchain requirement to call military support is reduced by two.

Probably the best skill in the game, although it's useless if no Military Support is allowed in the battle you are in. It's especially useful if you are trying to complete the Military Support challenges (for example, 50 kills while Satellite is active...).

Demolition Expert - Cost: 5,000

In-game Description: Carry 1 extra grenade and detect enemy devices on radar.

It would be useful for things like Zone Control and Capture the Flag. For example, if someone set up a mine or C4 near the flag, you would know that it is there, and you can take precautions to destroy it. It would be useful for finding and obliterating enemy Turrets as well.

Demolition Expert Elite - Cost: 60,000

In-game Description: Carry 2 extra grenades and detect enemy devices on radar. Range increased.

So this is useful for charging into an enemy base with incendiary grenades for example. All of the other things mentioned about the previous version apply to this as well.

One More Thing - Cost: 5,000

In-game Description: Drop an incendiary grenade upon death.

It's useful, like if someone knifed you, or was rushing you down with a Shotgun, but it won't instantly kill them. However, with...

One More Thing Elite - Cost: 60,000

In-game Description: Drop a frag grenade upon death.

... this one, it will instantly kill. It just takes a couple seconds for the grenade to detonate. Very useful because it is an instant kill to anyone who is close to the corpse.


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