Nur ad-Din Arslan Shah Ier — († 1210) est un émir zengide de Mossoul de 1193 à 1210. Il était fils de Izz ad Din Mas ud Ier, émir de Mossoul. Sommaire 1 Biographie 2 Postérité … Wikipédia en Français
Nur ad-Din Arslan Shah I — Coin of Arslan Shah, mint of Mossul, depicting a classical portrait, 1197. British Museum. Nur ad Din Arslan Shah I (or Arslan Shah) was the Zengid Emir of Mossul 1193–1211. He was successor of Izz ad Din Mas ud. See also … Wikipedia
Shah Arman — La dynastie Shah Arman, Shah i Arman ou Chah Armen (« roi d’Arménie » ; en turc : Ermenşah), Shah d Ahlat (en turc : Ahlatşah) ou Sökmenli (pluriel turc : Sökmenliler, « (les) Sökmen ») est une dynastie… … Wikipédia en Français
Alp Arslan — Sultan of Great Seljuq Reign 1064–1072 Coronation 27 April 1064 Full name Muhammad bin Da ud Chaghri Born 1029 … Wikipedia
Malik-Shah I — Malik Shah redirects here. For other uses, see Malik Shah (disambiguation). The Malik Shah I (miniature) Jalāl al Dawlah Malik shāh or simply Malik Shāh (Persian: ملكشاه, Modern Turkish: Melikşah; died 1092) was the Seljuq sultan from 1072 to… … Wikipedia
Muhammad-Shah ibn Bahram-Shah — Muhammad Shah was the last Seljuq amir of Kerman, from 1183 until 1186.[1] Biography The son of Bahram Shah, Muhammad Shah succeeded his uncle Turan Shah to the throne of Kerman in 1183. By the time of his ascension Kerman had been overrun by… … Wikipedia
Malik-Shah II — Mu izz ad Din Malik Shah II (b.? d.?) Was Seljuq Sultan in Baghdad during 1105. He was the grandson of Malik Shah I, and was theoretically the head of the dynasty, although his relative Ahmed Sanjar in Khorasan probably held more effective power … Wikipedia
Kilic Arslan Ier — Kılıç Arslan Ier Kılıç Arslan[1], Kilitch Arslan ou Kilij Arslan est un sultan seldjoukide de Rum (1092 1107). Il est le fils et successeur de Süleyman Ier Shah (1074 1086). Sommaire 1 Biographie … Wikipédia en Français
Kilidj Arslan — Kılıç Arslan Ier Kılıç Arslan[1], Kilitch Arslan ou Kilij Arslan est un sultan seldjoukide de Rum (1092 1107). Il est le fils et successeur de Süleyman Ier Shah (1074 1086). Sommaire 1 Biographie … Wikipédia en Français
Kilij Arslan — Kılıç Arslan Ier Kılıç Arslan[1], Kilitch Arslan ou Kilij Arslan est un sultan seldjoukide de Rum (1092 1107). Il est le fils et successeur de Süleyman Ier Shah (1074 1086). Sommaire 1 Biographie … Wikipédia en Français