
Minixr logo and screenshot
Commercial? No
Type of site Microblogging
Registration Required
Available language(s) English
Owner Bouraba Aniss
Created by Bouraba Aniss
Launched January 9, 2008; 3 years ago (2008-01-09)
Revenue advertising

Minixr is a free Microblogging and lifestreaming platform launched from started and developed by Bouraba Aniss, Minixr is centered around sharing messages, files, events, and links with already-established friends. The site has launched on January , 2008.


Comparisons with similar websites

Minixr enables users to post and share their status updates, links, different types of files (videos, photos, audio) and events with their friends through the website.

It integrates basic social networking features, letting users find and follow their friends and build their own personal network on the service.

It offers the ability to automatically pull user activity on a number of other websites (Digg,, Delicious, Flickr, YouTube, …etc) and centralize them on the user’s timeline for all followers to see.

It offers users the ability to send status updates through their mobile phones, or through IM via Google Talk, Jabber, AIM.

Compared to international services, Minixr looks very like a mix of Pownce and FriendFeed.

The service mainly targets young adults, between the ages of 20-35, from Francophone countries and the Middle East. The revenue model is planned to be solely advertising based.


Minixr is built on a variation of the LAMP , Apache, MySQL, and PHP. The web application is made with PHP and jQuery an open source JavaScript framework.

See also

External links

Wikimedia Foundation. 2010.

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