George Paul Wielgus

George Paul Wielgus
George Paul Wielgus
Born 7 August 1983 (1983-08-07) (age 28)
Frome, Somerset, England
Occupation Writer, Poet, Community Arts Worker
Nationality British
Genres Poetry, Spoken Word, Community Theatre

George Paul Wielgus (b. Frome, UK, 1983) is a performance poet, community arts worker and writer from the UK. Self-described "refugee from suburban England", since October 2007 he has been resident in Kuala Lumpur in Malaysia.[1]

Between December 2007 and today he has appeared many times across Malaysia, Singapore and the UK performing at, organising and hosting spoken word events, poetry slams and punk gigs. His work is characterised in turns by sexual innuendo, comic satire, political commentary, spiritualism and shameless self-promotion.[2][3]

Performing under the moniker Mighty Jah-J!, he became popular in the Kuala Lumpur performing arts scene for his flamboyant onstage behaviour and fast-paced delivery. He has won several poetry slams in Malaysia and Singapore, and is known for his highly energetic, spirited and comic style.[4][5][6][7]

Active in advocacy for human rights amongst people living with HIV/AIDS and recovering from heroin addiction, Wielgus has been the artistic director and project coordinator of Fallen Leaves Theatre Company since January 2008. The Fallen Leaves are composed entirely of problem drug users, and Wielgus has been instrumental in establishing theatre advocacy within Malaysia, using the techniques of Augusto Boal.[8]


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