Al Bernstein

Al Bernstein

Al Michael Bernstein is an American sportscaster,writer, stage performer, recording artist, and speaker.

In the 1970's he was a newspaperman, working at Lerner Newspapers in Chicago. He eventually became a managing editor at that newspaper.

In 1978 he wrote Boxing For Beginners, an instructional and historical book on boxing. He also wrote for Boxing Illustrated and The Ring during this period.

In 1980 he joined ESPN as boxing analyst for the Top Rank Boxing series. Al stayed at ESPN until 2003, and during that time he also worked as a reporter for Sportscenter, covering major boxing matches, Major League Baseball, the NBA and the NFL draft. He also wrote and hosted the series Big Fights Boxing Hour for ESPN Classic. In 1988, he won the Sam Taub Award for excellence in boxing broadcasting journalism. [ [ Internantional Boxing Hall of Fame / BWAA Awards ] ]

In 1988 Bernstein recorded his first album "My Very Own Songs", with original songs about television and sports. He would later release "Let The Games Begin" in 1996. In 1998 he also began a career as a live musical performer. Since then he has performed at major casinos such as Caesars Palace, the Mandalay Bay and The Riviera-as well as many Indian and Riverboat casinos around the United States.

In 1992 and 1996 he served as the boxing analyst for NBC's coverage of the Summer Olympic Games. From 1999-2002 he was a sports anchor for KVVU news in Las Vegas.

Since 2003 Berstein has served as the boxing analyst on Showtime for Showtime Championship Boxing. He also hosts a weekly nationally syndicated radio show called "Coast to Coast".


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