- Mica Zivkovich
Mica (Milan) Zivkovic (1917–1990) was a Serbian photojournalist and documentary filmmaker whose 500 newsreels documented everything from seminal historical moments to snippets of daily life in 20th century Yugoslavia.
Personal life
Mica (Milan) Zivkovic was born June 6, 1917 in Dvor na Uni, Croatia. His roots can be traced to the ethnic Serbs who migrated in 1538 to the Krajina territories of Hapsburg, Austria during the Ottoman Empire conflicts in the Balkan region. His great-grandfather held the title of Baron Jovan Zivkovic during the Austro-Hungarian period. In 1946 he met his future wife Ljubica Martinovic (1923–2006) in Belgrade. The couple had one daughter Mira Zivkovich, who immigrated to the United States as a teenager in the late 1960s. Zivkovich established her own consulting/marketing firm MZI Global Marketing which she currently directs as President and CEO.
Collage of Yugoslavia's 20th century history documented by Mica ZivkovichZivkovich worked for Yugoslav Cinema Newsreels Production House Filmske Novosti from its inception 1945 until his 1970 retirement. The majority of his work was done at his residence using a homemade newsreel camera. He constructed the equipment over a three year period using foreign purchased lens that weighed over 50kgs.
Mica Zivkovich produced and wrote his own newsreel stories that covered subjects subjects such as the last battles of Second World War, Liberation of Belgrade, post-war events, Marshal Josip Broz Tito foreign travels, social, economic, sports and cultural life in the former Yugoslavia.
Pre War
Zivkovich's documentary film and photographic work started prior the Second World War. He worked silent films for Kinoteka. The company was later named Jugoslovenska Kinoteka. The firm later evolved into the national film library of the Republic of Serbia whose work is stored in The Central Film Archives of the Yugoslav Film Library.
Second World War
Zivkovich documented the Axis line of defense activities on the Syrmian Front which was established in October 1944 northwest of Belgrade. The front saw some of the most difficult fighting in Yugoslavia during the war. Covering the Syrmian Front fighting which lasted almost six months was a matter of special pride for Zivkovich.
Marshall Tito travels
Mica Zivkovich filmed the activities of Yugoslav president Marshal Josip Broz Tito abroad and at home. He also documented foreign dignitaries who visited Belgrade.
Catastrophic events and human interest
Milan Zivkovich was well known as heroic first on the scene journalist who documented some of the most catastrophic events in the former Yugoslavia such as the Skopje earthquake, Kakanj mine disaster, floods in Vojvodina. He covered ice mining on the Danube River in Zavoj and many other subjects.
Feature films and documentaries
Zivkovich worked as a cameraman on the first Yugoslav feature film entitled This Nation Will Live. The 1947 feature film was made at the Belgrade studio of Avala was about the Yugoslav partisans and was was also the first feature film for Jadran film studios in Zagreb and "Slavica".
Besides the 500 newsreels, Zivkovich created 6 full scale documentaries with dealing with Human tragedy, Catastrophic Events, and Agriculture.
Filmography list
List of documentary newsreels
- Covering last battles for freedom of Belgrade.
- Journal Nr. 4/1945: Pioneers’ rally in Belgrade (Br.Žur:4/1945. god: Pionirski slet u Beogradu)
- The Children's week (U dečijoj nedelji)
- The end of the harvest time (Žetva je pri kraju)
- Threshing is in progress (Vršidba je u toku)
- Purchase of grain (U kampanji otkupa žita)
- Start of the seeding season (Početak setvene kampanje)
- Vintage in the region of Vršac (Berba grožđa u okolini Vršca)
- State feedlots (Državna tovilištva)
- Fight for the protection of forests and orchards(U borbi za zaštitu šuma i voćnjaka)
- Building a school in the DOBRIĆ village (Selo DOBRIĆ gradi školu)
- Celebration of the day of Yugoslavian army (Proslava na dan Jugoslovenske armije)
- Yugoslavian soldiers building the railroad (Borci Jugoslovenske armije grade prugu)
Gymnastics and sports (Fiskultura i sport)
- International rowing regatta (Međunarodna veslačka regata)
- Gymnastics and sports (Fiskultura i sport)
- Championship of Federal Socialist Republic of Yugoslavia (Prvenstvo FNRJ.)
- Journal: The beginning of building highways (Početak rada na autoputu)
- Officers of Yugoslavian army paying a visit to the cooperatives (Poseta oficira Jugoslovenske armije radnoj zadruzi)
- Horse riding (Konjički sport)
- Orphanage on Island of Lokrum (Dečiji dom na Lokrumu)
- Construction works in Montenegro (Meliracioni radovi u Crno gori)
- Successes of constructors of the City of "Titograd" (Novi uspesi graditelja "Titograda")
- Poultry breeding (Odgoj živine)
- Reopening of the mine Kopaonik (Rudnik Kopaonik ponovo otvoren)
- Football match Yugoslavia-Israel 6:0 (Fudbal Jugoslavija-Izrael 6:0)
- Djura Djakovic factory’s first export of metal (Djura Djakovic prve količine metala inostranstvu)
- Jean Kasu’s visit to Yugoslavia (Žan Kasu u poseti Jugoslaviji)
- New products of "Prva Petoletka" (Novi objekti petoletke)
- Help for our village (Pomoć našem selu)
- Journal{ New professional workers (Novi stručni radnici)
- Forming cooperative farmers (Na kursu seljaka zadrugara)
- School of Applied Arts (Škola za primenjenu umetnost)
- Drainage of Scadar Lake (Isušivanje Skadarskog jezera)
- Second National Loan (Drugi narodni zajam)
- Commercial yard (Ekonomsko dvorište)
- Exhibition of young painters (Mladi slikari izlažu)
- Opening of the new lead mine "Janjevo" (Otvoren novi rudnik olova "Janjevo")
- Construction of new facilities in a lead combine "Trepča" (Izgradnja novih objekata u olovnom kombinatu "Trepča")
- Journal: Railway workers succeed project
- Funeral of the engineer Gerni (Sahrana inžinjera Gerni ja)
- Blast furnace in Zenica (Visoka peć u Zenici)
- Saline "Kreka" (Solana Kreka)
- Construction of the plywood factory in the village of Blažuj (Izgradnja fabrike šper ploče u Blažuju)
- First tractors on cooperative fields (Prvi traktori na zadružnim poljima)
- Funeral of Josif Pancic (Sahrana Josifa Pančića)
- Exhibition of the local industry (Izložba lokalne industri je)
- New restaurant on the top of Košutnjak Hill (Novi restoran na vrhu Košutnjaka)
- Fisherman's Island at Kamenička ada at Novi Sad (Grad pecaroša na Kameničkoj adi kod Novog Sada )
- Protest (Protestni miting)
- Klasma lottery (Klasma lutrija)
- Railroad accident on the railway Beograd-Kikinda (Železnička nesreća na pruzi Beograd-Kikinda)
- Railway Banja Luka – Doboj (Pruga Banja Luka Doboj)
- Celebration of Ozren Partisan detachment (Proslava Ozrenskog partizanskog odreda )
- Commissioning of new vessels (Puštanje novih brodova)
- Journal: Farmers’ cooperative "Budućnost" at Dobanovci (Seljačka radna zadruga"Budućnost" kraj Dobanovca)
- Protest of Yugoslavian people (Protest naroda Jugoslavije)
- Beginning of youth works (Početak omladinskih radova)
- Flock on the pastures of Zlatibor mountain (Stada na pašnjacima planine Zlatibor)
- Marshall Tito’s relay (Titova štafeta)
- Contest of bards from the region of Hercegovina in Vitini at Ljubuški (Takmičenje guslara Hercegovine u Vitini kraj Ljubuškog)
- Trial of monks in Mostar (Suđenje fratrima u Mostaru)
- Final stage in construction of the Hydro power plant "Jablanica" (Izgradnja Hidrocentrale"Jablanica" u završnoj fazi)
- Competition in Kakanj (Takmičenje u Kaknju)
- Celebration of Bosnian and Herzegovina Uprising (Proslava dana ustanka u Bosni i Hercegovini)
- Mostar, the warmest city (Mostar najtopliji grad)
- Anniversary of KNOJ (People's Defense Corps of Yugoslavia) (Godisnjica KNOJ-a)
- Vukov sabor", cultural manifestation in Tršic (Vukov sabor u Tršicu)
- Sport
- All-around competition (Višeboj)
- Swedish athletics won the All-around competition (Švedski atletičari pobedili u višeboju)
- Football match Yugoslavia – Austria (Fudbal Jugoslavija - Austri ja)
- Basketball Red Star – Borleti (Košarka Crvena zvezda - Borleti)
- VI Exhibition of artists’ association Vojvodina in Novi Sad (VI izložba slika udruženja likovnih umetnika Vojvodine u N.S.)
- Jovan Veselinov held a speech on the election rally in Šabac (Jovan Veselinov govorio na predizbornom mitingu u Šapcu)
- Motorcycle racing around Kalemegdan fortress (Moto trke oko Kalimegdana)
- During the Congress (U dane Kongresa)
- Elections in Serbia (Izbori u Srbiji)
- Smelting union congress in Belgrade, Serbia (I kongres livaca Srbije u Beogradu)
- Work in tobacco factory in Banja Luka (Rad u fabrici duvana u Banja Luci)
- The session of the People’s committee of the City of Belgrade (Sednica narodnog odbora grada Beograda)
- Documentary – "The 1st of May 1952."
- Journal: - Election conference Sport Club Zemun (Izborna konferencija SK Zemun)
- Uros Predić
- V congress of Youth League of Yugoslavia (V kongres narodne omladine Jugoslavi je)
- Press conference of Meyer Coen (Konferencija za štampu Majer Koena)
- Deer hunting (Lov na srne)
- Small handball (Mali rukomet)
- Badger hunting at Morovic village (Lov na jazavce kod Morovice)
- Death of Boris Kidric (Umro je Boris Kidrić)
- Children’s Spring festival of (Dečiji dan proleca)
- The first of May in Belgrade (Prvi maj o Beogradu)
- Football match Yugoslavia - Greece (Fudbal Jugoslavi ja –Grčka)
- Football match Yugoslavia - Wales (Fudbal Jugoslavija – Vels)
- Marshal Tito’s Birthday (Rođendan druga Tita)
- First petroleum source discovered at Jermenovac (Potekla je prva nafta kod Jermenovca)
- Constituent Assembly of cinema enterprises (Osnivačka skupština bioskopskih preduzeća)
- Breaking the clouds (Razbijanje oblaka)
- Yugoslavian derby (XXXI. Jugoslovenski derbi)
- Start of the Football Championship (Početak prvenstva u fudbalu)
- Servo Mihalj (Industrial and agricultural plant)
- Bus line from Belgrade to Vienna (Autobusom od Beograda do Beča)
- Documentary - "The 1st of May 1953" ("Prvi maj 1953")
- Sports review Great fight for the winner (Sportski pregled 1/53 - Velika borba za naslov prvaka)
- Journal – New 54th Year (Br.Zur: 2/54-Nova 1954 godina)
- Federal Council session (Zasedanje savezne narodne Skupštine)
- plenum CK. SKJ'.
- Marshal Tito’s visit to Turkey (Odlazak Predsednika Tita u Tursku) April 12.-18. 1954
- Marshal Tito’s birthday celebration (Proslava Titovog rođendana)
- Marshal Tito visited Greece (Tito otputovao u Grčku) Royal family June 2–6, 1954
- Snow in Sarajevo (Sneg u Sarajevu)
- Football match Yugoslavia - Turkey 5:1 (Fudbal Jugoslavija - Turska 5:1)
- New blast furnace in Zenica (Nova visoka peć u Zenici)
- Transmission line Lukovac-Zvornik (Dalekovod Lukovac-Zvornik)
- Lake Jablanica is growing (Jablaničko jezero raste)
- Hydroelectric plant Jablanica is working (Jablanica proradila)
- Journal – Second congress SK. Bosnia and Herzegovina(Br.Zur: 2/55 - Drugi kongres SK. BiH)
- Libanese delegation in Yugoslavia (Libanska delegacija u Jugoslaviji)
- Signing of the trade agreement (Potpisivanje trgovinskog sporazuma)
- Celebration of K.U.D. "ABRASEVIC" (Proslava K.U.D. "ABRASEVIC")
- Reke dolaze
- Discovery of the Boris Kidric’s bust (Otkrivanje biste Borisa Kidrića)" " :21/55 - * *Football game Yugoslavia – Scotland 2:2 (Fudbal Jugoslavija-Skotska 2:2)
- Award ceremony "Zmajeva nagrada" (Podela Zmajeve nagrade)
- Quadripartite talks in Belgrade (Četvorni razgovori u Beogradu)
- Yugoslavian derby (Jugoslovenski derbi)
- International textile and machinery fair in Leskovac (Međunarodni sajam tekstila i mašina u Leskovcu)
- Journal - Documentary film festival in Sarajevo ( Br.Zur:32/55-Festival dokumentarnog filma u Sarajevu)
- Through the resorts of scout association (Kroz letovališta ferijalnog saveza)
- Car races around Banjica (Auto trke oko Banjice)
- International horse races in Belgrade (Međunarodne konjičke trke u Beogradu)
- Floods in the West of Bosnia (Poplave u zapadnoj Bosni)
- Water polo Yugoslavia – Hungary 3:1 (Vaterpolo Jugoslavija-Madjarska 3:1)
- Conservation of the old bridge (Konzervacija starog mosta)
- United Nations celebration (Proslava Ujedinjenih Nacija)
- Congress of engineers and technicians in Sarajevo (IV. kongres Inžinjera i tehničara u Sarajevu)
- 10 years of press and radio (10.godina štampe i radija)
- Plenum of SSRNJ(Socialist Alliance of Working People of Yugoslavia).
- New airway Belgrade – Moscow (Nova vazdušna linija Beograd-Moskva)
- Award ceremony of the Red Cross (Predaja dipIome u Crvenom Krstu)
- Journal: Ice barrier on river Morava (Br.Zur: 9/566-Ledena barijera na Moravi)
- Movement of soil in Kumanovo district (Pomeranje tla u Kumanovskom srezu)
- Vladimir Bakaric’s Lecture in Belgrade (Predavanje Vladimira Bakarica u Beogradu )
- Discovery of the monument of Djura Strugar (Otkrivanje spomenika Djuri Strugaru)
- Inspection of sport aviation (Smotra sportskog vazduhoplovstva)
- Return of Marshal Tito from Romania (Povratak Predsednika Tita iz Rumunije) June 23–27, 1956
- Floods in Bosnia and Banat (Poplave u Bosni i Banatu)
- Celebration of Day of Fighters in Ruma (Proslava dana borca u Rumi)
- New taxi (Novi auto taksi)
- Football game Yugoslavia – China 4:0 (Fudbal Jugoslavi ja-Kina 4:0)
- Horse stable Zobnatic (Ergela Zobnatica)
- Yugoslavian equestrian derby (Jugoslovenski konjički derbi)
- Car factory in Priboj (Fabrika automobila u Priboju)
- Polish delegation in Belgrade (Poljska delegacija a Beogradu)
- Polish delegation in Belgrade (Poljska delegaci ja u Beogradu)
- Delegation of the Greek Church in Yugoslavia (Delegacija Grčke crkve u Jugoslaviji)
- Construction of the Belgrade fair (Izgradnja Beogradskog sajma)
- D.Radosavljevic pre-departure (D.Radosavljević pred odlazak)
- Tito receiving the Delegation of the Greek Church (Tito primio Grcku svešteničku delegaciju)
- Fair in Novi Sad (Sajam u Novom Sadu)
- Fair in Novi Sad (Sajam u Novom Sadu)
- Departure of parliamentary delegation from Germany (Odlazak parlamentarne delegacije iz Nemačke)
- Inijski ensemble (Inijski ansambl)
- Congress of Yugoslav students (Kongres studenata Jugoslavije)
- Dobrica Milutinović
- Stambolic received Polish economic delegation (Stambolić primio Poljsku ekonomsku delegaciju)
- Journal - Good hunt on the Danube (Br.Zur: 7/57 Bogat lov na Dunavu)
- Blood donors (Dobrovoljni davaoci krvi)
- Preparation of hybrid seed for sowing (Priprema hibridnog semena za setvu)
- March 8 (Osmi mart)
- Celebration in Belgrade stokehold (Svečanost u Beogradskoj ložionici)
- Factory "ZORKA" in Subotica (Fabrika "ZORKA" u Subotici)
- Channel Danube – Tisa – Danube (Kanal Dunav-Tisa-Dunav)
- Industrial village (Industrijsko selo)
- New park in Novi Sad (Novi park u Novom Sadu)
- Repatriation of children from Hungary (Repatrijacija Mađarske dece)
- Academy (Škola kadrova)
- Youth day (Dan mladosti)
- Against nuclear explosion (Protiv nuklearne eksplozi je)
- Svetozar Vukmanovic honored Kurushima (Svetozar Vukmanovic odlikovao Kurusima)
- Shoe exhibition in Borovo (Izlozba obuće u Borovu)
- Aviation rally in Vrsac (Vazduhoplovni miting u Vršcu)
- Foreign guests in Yugoslavia (Strani gosti u Jugoslaviji)
- Protest of polish navy at Sirig (Demonstracija poljskih marina kod Siriga)
- The host school in Bavanist (Domaćinska skola u Bavanistu)
- Return of our parliamentary delegation from Chine (Povratak naše parlamentarne delegacije iz Kine)
- Departure of Edvard Kardelj to Athens (Odlazak Edvarda Kardelja u Atinu)
- Return of Svetozar Vukmanovic (Povratak Svetozara Vukmanovića)
- Signing of economic agreement between Yugoslavia and Germany (Potpisivanje privrednog sporazuma Jugoslavije i Nemačke)
- Elections for Producers council (Izbori za veće proizvođača)
- Return of the delegation of alliance fighters from Berlin (Povratak delegacije saveza boraca iz Berlina)
- Autumn agricultural activities at Bela Crkva (Jesenji poljoprivredni radovi kod Bele Crkve)
- Journal: 2/58 – New products of factory Z.Veljkovic (Br.Zur: 2/58-Novi proizvodi fabrike Z.Veljković )
- Serbian literary award NIN Prize (Podela Ninove nagrade kritike)
- 6/8-Wintering of pioneers on Divcibare mountain (Zimovanje pionira na Divčibarama)
- Preparation for spring sowing (Priprema za prolećnu setvu)
- Pioneer House in Backa Palanka (Pionirski dom u Bačkoj Palanci)
- The first of May celebration (Prvomajska proslava)
- Exhibition of agriculture machinery in Novi Sad (Izložba poljoprivrednih mašina u Novom Sadu)
- First Postal Museum in Belgrade (Prvi poštanski muzej u Beogradu)
- Artificial lawns (Veštački travnjaci)
- Yugoslavian derby (Jugoslovenski derbi)
- Iraqi Minister of Economy in Belgrade (Irački ministar privrede u Beogradu)
- President of the Assembly of Councilors or Morocco in Belgrade (Predsednik skupštine Maroka u Beogradu)
- 1.000.edition of "National Army" ( 1.000.broj "Narodne Armije")
- Installation of silos in Pancevo (Montaža silosa u Pančevu)
- Month of book in Pristina (Mesec dana knjige u Prištini)
- Day O.U.N. (Dan O.U.N.)
- Exhibition of carvings from Priština (Izložba rezbarije iz Prištine)
- Fire in Pancevo RIt (Pozar u Pančevačkom Ritu)
- Autumn sowing (Jesenja setva)
- First agricultural combine (Prvi poljoprivredni kombinat)
- Mexican ensemble in Belgrade (Meksički ansambl u Beogradu)
- Construction of the right coast in Belgrade (Izgradnja desne obale u Beogradu)
- Spring in December (Decembarsko proleće)
- Journal: Children’s New Year Celebration (Br.Zur: 1/59-Dečija Nova godina)
- Experimental school in Markovac (Ogledna škola u Markovcu)
- New dairy (Nova mlekara)
- Deers in Bačka Palanka (Jeleni u Bačkoj Palanci)
- 40 years K.P.J. (40.godina K.P.J.)
- First brigades on the highway (Prve brigade na autoputu)
- Modern home (Savremeni dom)
- Spring sowing (Prolećna setva)
- Night of national heroes (Veče narodnih heroja)
- Construction of Novi Sad fair (Izgradnja Novosadskog sajma)
- Students day (Dan studenata)
- In youth work brigades (Kod omladinskih radnih brigade)
- Construction of Majdanpek (Izgradnja Majdanpeka)
- Celebration of 40 years of K.P.J. (Proslava 40.godina K.P.J.)
- Agricultural fair in Novi Sad (Poljoprivredni sajam u Novom sadu)
- Childrens footwear industry in Sombor (Industrija dečije obuce u Somboru)
- Experimental shop "Smederevka" (Ogledna prodavnica "Smederevka")
- Youth day (Dan mladosti)
- Competition on a highway (Takmičenje na auto putu)
- IV. Congress of S.K. Serbia (Kongres S.K. Srbi je)
- High yields (Visoki prinosi)
- Celebration of foundation of Serbian divisions (Proslava osnivanja Srpskih divizija)
- Aeromeeting in Niš (Aeromiting u Nišu)
- World record in grain yield (Svetski rekord u prinosu žitarica)
- Army helps harvest (Armija pomaže pri žetvi)
- New mills in Bačka Topola (Novi mlinovi u Bačkoj Topoli)
- Vintage at Grocka (Berba grožđa kod Grocke)
- Weather conditions at Kraljevo (Vremenske nepogode kod Kraljeva)
- For more livestock (Za veći stočni fond)
- Jugoslavian-Ceylon agreement (Jugoslovesko-Cejlonski sporazum)
- Start of parade of sugar beet (Počela parada sećerne repe)
- First pioneer agricultural combine (Prvi pionirski poljoprivredni Kombinat)
- Failed landing (Neuspeli desant)
- Harvesting corn (Berba kukuruza)
- Celebration of 40 years of SKOJ in Titovo Užice (Proslava 40.god.SKOJ-a uTitovom Užicu i Vrogovcu)
- Exercise firefighters (Vežba vatrogasaca)
- One day with cooperatives of Opovo (Jedan dan sa zadrugarima Opova)
- III.ća. Anti-colonial conference (Antikolonijalna konferenci ja)
- Journal: In Agricultural Cooperative in Debeljača (Br.Zur. 4/60-U zemljoradničkoj zadruzi u Debeljači)
- Rabbit hunting in Kovin (Lov na zečeve u Kovinu)
- -Agricultural school in Svilajnac (Poljoprivredna škola u Svilajncu)
- Award for high yields (Nagrada za visoke prinose)
- New silos (Novi silosi)
- New culture home in Valjevo (Novi dom kulture u Valjevu)
- Journal: Chemisation of agriculture (Br.Zur.14/60-Hemizacija poljoprivrede)
- Dom youth work brigades (Dom omladinske radne brigade)
- Examples of activities of S.S RNJ. (Primeri aktivnosti S.S RNJ.)
- Start of the tourist season (Početak turističke sezone)
- Celebration of the first of May (Proslava Prvog Maja)
- Yugoslavian derby (Jugoslovenski derbi)
- Harvest is completed (Žetva je završena)
- Douglas Dilon in Belgrade (Daglas Dilon u Beogradu)
- Petroleum in Banat (Nafta u Banatu)
- End of bicycle race through Yugoslavia (Kraj biciklističke trke kroz Jugoslaviju)
- Funeral of Sretena Vukosavljević (Sahrana Sretena Vukosavljevića)
- New agricultural combine (Novi poljoprivredni kombinat)
- Tractor contest (Takmičenje traktorista)
- Welcome to Marshal Tito (Doček Tita) Titi USA visit September 20 –October 4
- 20 October in Belgrade (20-ti Oktobar u Beogradu)
- Race "Liberation of Belgrade" (Trka "Oslobođenje Beograda")
- Commemoration in Kragujevac (Komemoracija u Kragujevcu)
- Majdanpek
- Corn harvesters (Kombajni za kukuruz)
- Large stocks of forestation (Velika akcija pošumljavanja)
- Geological excavations on Jastrebac (Geološka iskopavanja na Jastrebcu)
- Meeting of young people from the country side (Susret mladih sa sela)
Journal: New Year (Br.Zur.: 1/61-Nova godina)
- Small factory workshops (Radionice male fabrike)
- Sending off Marshal Tito (Ispraćaj Tita) for Tito’s foreign travels
- Hungry for the Field Station (Ogladna stanica za ratarstvo)
- Knitwear in Zaječar (Trikotaža u Zaječaru)
- Storm in Bačka (Nevreme u Bačkoj)
- Novi Sad Fair (Novosadski sajam)
- Football Yugoslavia-Poland (Fudbal Jugoslavija-Poljska)
- Sukarno and Keita in Belgrade (Sukarno i Keita u Beogradu)
- Football Morocco-Yugoslavia (Fudbal Maroko-Jugoslavija)
- Majdanpak put into operation (Majdanpak pušten u rad)
- Minister Senji in Belgrad (Ministar Senji u Beogradu)
- Japanese MPs in Belgrade (Japanski parlamentarci u Beogradu)
- The last ledonoše from Šare (Poslednje ledonoše sa Šare)
- Autumn sowing (Jesenja setva)
- Sugar factory in Peć (Fabrika sećera u Peći)
- Celebration in Priština (Proslava u Prištini)
- Celebration of the Day of Republic (Proslava dana Republike)
- Rugov marble (Rugovski mermer)
- Journal: Semi-final of a Football Cup (Br.Zur: 9/62-Polu finale fudbalskog kupa)
- Floods in Serbia (Poplave u Srbiji)
- The flooded areas (Na poplavljenom području)
- Ceremony in Bosanska Gradiška (Svečanost u Bosanskoj Gradišci)
- First of May (1. MAJ)
- The last train (Poslednji voz)
- Harvest (Žetva)
- -Athletics Yugoslavia-Italy (Atletika Jugoslavija-Itali ja)
- Celebration of July 7 (Proslava 7.Jula)
- Yugoslavian derby (Jugoslovenski derbi)
- Weather conditions in Nova Gradiška (Nevreme u Novoj Gradiški)
- Skoplje fair (Skopski sajam)
- Bicycle Race through Yugoslavia (Biciklistička trka kroz Jugoslaviju)
- Channel Dunav-Tisa-Dunav (Kanal Dunav-Tisa-Dunav)
- Ohrid marathon (Ohridski marathon)
- Combine of Kosovo lignite (Kombinat Kosovskih lignite)
- Gerdson on vacation in Yugoslavia (Gerdson na odmoru u Jugoslaviji)
- The race for the cup of Marshal Tito (Trka za pehar predsednika Tita)
- Two vintage salt (Dve berbe soli)
- Arrival of Živkov (Dolazak Živkova)
- Autumn sowing (Jesenja setva)
- State-championship motorcycle racing (Državno-prvenstvo moto trka)
- Regulation of Velika Morava (Regulacija velike Morave)
- Month of traffic (Mesec dana saobraćaja)
- Draft constitution of Kosovo (Prednacrt ustava Kosova)
- Journal: Weather conditions (Br.Zur: 5/63-Vremenske nepogode)
- Floods (Poplave)
- The first "Karavela" has arrived (Stigla prva "Karavela")
- Agricultural school for foreigners (Poljoprivredna škola za strance)
- From the lake at Zavoj (Sa jezera kod Zavoja)
- Spring at the countryside (Proleće na selu)
- Highway (Auto put)
- Towards elections (U susret izborima)
- Youth Relay (Štafeta mladosti)
- First of May (1.MAJ)
- Novi Sad fair (Novosadski sajam)
- The oil fields (Na naftonosnim poljima)
- New rail in Metohija (Nova pruga u Metohiji)
- Assembly constituted (Konstituisana Skupština)
- Cameramen at work (Snimatelji na poslu)
- Harvest has begun (Žetva je pocela)
- Electrification of villages on Kosovo (Elektrifikacija sela na Kosovu)
- Wedding in Galičniku (Svadba u Galičniku)
- Harvesting at the footer of Koritnik (Žetva u podnožju Koritnika)
- Monument revelation (Otkrivanje spomenika)
- Split in season (Split u sezoni)
- Interparlamentarna unija
- "Budimka" uzeto iz Žurnala 22/65.
- Journal: Conference of Inter-Parliamentary Union (Br.Zur: 39/63-Konferenci je Interparlamentarne uni je)
- Entries of the national fair (Upisivanja narodnog sajma)
- Send-off of the Mongolian delegation (Ispraćaj Mongolske delegacije)
- New bridge on Tisa (Novi most na Tisi)
- Emperor Selasije in Belgrade (Car Selasije u Beogradu)
- Last water carriers (Poslednje vodonoše)
- Hemp fiber factory (Kudeljara "Boris Kidrič")
- Laying of wreaths at the cemetery of national heroes (Polaganje venaca na groblje narodnih heroja)
- Revelation of the Monument Boris Kidrič (Otkrivanje spomenika Borisu Kidriču)
- Agricultural news (Vesti iz poljoprivrede)
- Journal: Tractors on the snow (Br.Zur: 3/64 Traktori na snegu)
- New products of chemical industry (Novi objekti hemijske industrije)
- Thermal power plant Kosovo II (Termo elektrana Kosovo II)
- Den Bela in Yugoslavia (Den Bela u Jugoslaviji)
- New cellulose and paper factory (Nova fabrika celuloze i papira)
- Agricultural news (Novosti iz poljoprivrede)
- Earthquake in Slavonia (Zemljotres u Slavoniji)
- Monument to victims of fascism (Spomenik žrtvama fašizma)
- Chemical industry Pančevo (Hemijska industrija Pančevo)
- Novi Sad fair (Novosadski sajam)
- Celebration of the football club Vojvodina (Proslava fudbalskog kluba Vojvodina)
- Elections for the labor council (Izbori za radničke savete)
- Pančevo bridge is finished (Završava se Pančevački most)
- Festival of Flowers (Praznik cveća)
- Before the eighth Congress (Pred osmi Kongres)
- Harvest (Žetva)
- Factory "Cer" (Fabrika"Cer")
- Swimming Marathon in Ohrid (Plivački maraton u Ohridu)
- Palmiro Togliatti died (Umro je Palmiro Toljati)
- Horse races (Konjske trke)
- New motorbikes of IMT (Novi motori IMT-a)
- Send off of Marshal Tito (Ispraćaj Predsednika Tita)
- Plenum of Federal Board of SSRNJ (Plenum saveznog odbora SSRNJ)
- Football Hungary – Yugoslavia (Fudbal Mađarska-Jugoslavija)
- From fields of Vojvodina (Sa Vojvođanskih polja)
- Journal: Porcelain factory in Zaječar (Br.Zur: 5/65-Fabrika porcelana u Zaječaru)
- Euphrasian Basilica in Poreč (Eufrazijeva bazilika u Poreču)
- Agricultural combine "Pazin" (Poljoprivredni kombinat "Pazin")
- Construction of Bakar harbor (Izgradnja Bakarske luke)
- Before the invasion of gypsy moths (Pred najezdu gubara)
- Mechanical Industry Niš (Mašinska industrija Niš)
- Before the spring sowing (Pred prolecnu setvu)
- First of May (1 MAJ)
- The catastrophic floods in Serbia and Bosnia (Katrastofalne poplave u Srbiji i Bosni)
- Floods (Poplave)
- Floods (Poplave)
- Action against gypsy moths (Akcija protiv gubara)
- Accident in Kakanj mine (Nesreće u rudniku Kakanj)
- Journal: Yugoslavian derby (Br.Zur:39/65-Jugoslovenski derbi)
- V.congress of SUBNOR (Kongres SUBNOR-a)
- Harvesting corn (Berba kukuruza)
- Gymnastics Yugoslavia – Germany (Gimnastika Jugoslavija-DR.Nemacka)
- The Republic Day (Dan Republike)
- Provincial meetings of SSRN for Vojvodina (Pokrajinska sednica SSRN za Vojvodinu)
- Journal: New Year (Br.Zur: 1/66-Nova godina)
- Novi Knezevac
- Ice on Danube (Led na Dunavu)
- From the "Radulaska" factory (Iz fabrike "Radulaska")
- Plenum CK.SKJ
- New measures in agriculture (Nove mere u poljoprivredi)
- Belgrade railway junction (Beogradski željeznički čvor)
- Sacrament of new recruits (Svečana obaveza novih regruta)
- From Belgrade hippodrome (Sa Beogradskog hipodroma)
- Carnival of Flowers (Karneval cveća)
- Youth at Work (Omladina na radu)
- Communist Activities (Aktivnosti komunista)
- Fire in the veterinary institute (Požar u veterinarskom zavodu)
- Atoms in Agriculture (Atomi u poljoprivredi)
- At the end of harvest (Pri kraju berbe)
- Journal: Modernization of railway (Br.Zur: 7/67-Modernizacija željezničke pruge)
- Farmers and modern production (Poljoprivrednici i savremena proizvodnja)
- First of May (1 MAJ)
- Football Yugoslavia – Germany 1:0(Fudbal Jugoslavija-Z.Nemačka 1:0)
- Novi Sad fair (Novosadski sajam)
- Floods (Poplave)
- Bosudsko uzgajilište divljači
- On Danube from Belgrade to Vienna (Dunavom od Beograda do Beča)
- Harvest (Žetva)
- Handicapped competition (Takmičenje invalida)
- Gravel factory (Fabrika šljunka)
- Br.Zur:25/68-Custom service (Carinska služba)
Extra Scheduled Numbers (Varandi Brojevi)
- Relay of Youth in 1960 (Dan mladosti 1960.)
- Relay of Youth in 1961 (Dan mladosti 1961.)
- Modibo Keita in Yugoslavia (Modibo Keita u Jugoslaviji)
- Romanian state delegation in Yugoslavia in 1963 (Rumunska državna delegecija u Jugoslaviji)
- First of May 1964 (Prvi maj 1964.)
- VI congress of SSRNJ in 1966(VI kongres SSRNJ)
1947 Yugoslav feature films
- This Nation Will Live (Zivjece Ovaj Narod
- Slavica it is a partisan film was made by the Belgrade studio Avala
Materials Recorded But Not Published (Materijali Snimljeni A Ne Objavljeni)
- Floods (Poplave)
- Floods (Poplave)
- Floods (Poplave)
- The Last Train over the old bridge-NOVI SAD (POSLEONJI VOZ PREKO STAROG MOSTA-NOVI SAD) .m.
- Celebration of liberation of obrenovac (proslava oslobodenja obrenovca)
- Grabovac – revelation of the statue (grabovac -otkrivanje spomenika) .
- Political discussions ranković-muhmedin (politicki razgovori rankovic-muhmedin)
- Džuverović’s travel to SSSR (odlazak džuverovića u sssr)
- Floods in Pomoravljej(POPLAVE U POMORAVLJU)
Categories:- Serbian journalists
- Serbian film directors
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