IBM High Availability Cluster Multiprocessing

IBM High Availability Cluster Multiprocessing

HACMP is IBM's solution for high-availability clusters on the AIX Unix and Linux for IBM System p platforms and stands for High Availability Cluster Multiprocessing. IBM's HACMP product was first shipped in 1991 and is now in its 16th release - HACMP 5.4

HACMP can run on up to 32 computers or nodes, each of which is either actively running an application (active) or waiting to take over should another node fail (passive). Data on file systems can be shared between systems in the cluster.

HACMP relies heavily on IBM's Reliable Scalable Cluster Technology (RSCT). RSCT includes daemons which are responsible for monitoring the state of the cluster (for example, a node, NIC or network crash) and will coordinate the response to these events. HACMP is an RSCT aware client. RSCT is distributed with AIX.

Recent Versions

* HAMCP 5.5, planned Nov 2008
* HACMP 5.4.1, Nov 2007, [ announcement]
** AIX Workload Partitions support (WPAR)
** New GLVM monitoring
** NFSv4 support improvements
* HACMP 5.4, July 2006, [ announcement]
** Web-based GUI
** Nondisruptive HACMP cluster startup, upgrades, and maintenance
* HACMP 5.3, August 2005
* HACMP 5.2, July 2004
* HACMP 5.1, July 2003
* HACMP 4.5, July 2002
* HACMP 4.4, June 2000
* HACMP 4.3
* HAMCP 4.2
** Adds Cluster Single Point of Control (CSPOC) feature
** Dynamic Reconfig

ee also

* High-availability cluster
* Geographic Logical Volume Manager (GLVM), remote disk mirroring over TCP/IP networks introduced in AIX 5.3 ML3

External links

* []
* [ HACMP Homepage]
* [ (PDF) HACMP Best Practices Whitepaper, July 2007 Update]
* [ (PDF) HACMP marketing data sheet]
* [ HACMP for AIX documentation]
* [ HACMP for AIX Certified Systems Expert Requirements]

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