Merry Fortune

Merry Fortune

Merry Fortune is a contemporary American poet,[1] musician, social activist and conservationist. She is a former editor of The World and former coordinator of the Monday night reading series of the St. Mark's Poetry Project. She is an editor of Pagan Place, an arts magazine. She has collaborated with musicians Don Christensen, Pat Place and Julia Murphy on a 3-CD compilation State of the Union. Of German and Indigenous descent (Kanienkehaka/Hotcak), Merry was born in Brooklyn and currently lives and works in New York City.

Books include Ghosts by Albert Ayler (Futurepoem Books, 2004). Her work has been published in anthologies including The Outlaw Bible of American Poetry, The Portable Boog Reader, and The Unbearables Help Yourself! Anthology (See Ron Kolm). Her poems, articles and reviews have appeared in The Poetry Project Newsletter, Boog-City, Lungfull!, Brooklyn Review, Fire (UK), High Times, Tamarind, Rattapallax, CanWeHaveOurBallBack?, G, and 6ix.


  1. ^ Hoffman, Randi (Jan. 30 - Feb. 05, 2008). "Drew Glackin, bass player with the Silos, dies at 44". The Villager. Retrieved 6 June 2011. 

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