Meli Elatis Menalou Vanilia (honey)

Meli Elatis Menalou Vanilia (honey)

Meli Elatis Menalou Vanilia (Μέλι Ελάτης Μαινάλου Βανίλια) is a Greek ΠΟΠ (POP) honey of which at least 80% of the which will be from the pine, and the rest will be flower honey produced in the region (<20%) with a pleasant taste and a characteristic appearance with a light colour and sheen; moisture content 14-15.5%, sucrose content >10% (8-18%).

It is produced in 24 municipalities and communities (district of Gortinia, Mantinia, the municipalities of Dimitsana, Langadion, the communities of Valtesinikou, Vytinas, Elatis, Zygovistiou, Kamenitsas, Lastas, Magoulianon, Mygdalias, Nymfassias, Pyrgakiou, Radou, Stemnitsas, Syrnas, Alkistenas, Vlachernas, Kardara, Kapsas, Lykochion, Pianas, Roïnou, Tselepakou, Chrysovitsiou).

Wikimedia Foundation. 2010.

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