- Roman Karmen
Roman Lazarevich Karmen ( _ru. Роман Лазаревич Кармен) (
16 November 1906 Odessa –28 April 1978 Moscow ) was a Soviet General, a war camera-man and film director and one of the most influential figures indocumentary film making; he could be consideredUSSR 's answer toLeni Riefenstahl .Communist propaganda
Karmen was a true believer in
Communism , and roamed the world portraying theSpanish Civil War , the battles forMoscow and Leningrad inWorld War II , theFirst Indochina War , and the rise of Communism in South East Asia in the 50's and in South America during the 60's.Karmen was also granted personal access to the emergence of Communist leaders
China 's Mao Tse-Tung,Vietnam 'sHo Chi Minh ,Cuba 'sFidel Castro andChile 'sSalvador Allende .Controversy
Karmen's documentary methods were both influential and controversial, his renowned technical ability captured the emotion of war and the repetition of key shots and framings between film projects became a hallmark, but he would often blur the lines of
Cinéma vérité by restaging key battles, including the liberation of Leningrad ("Ленинград в борьбе", 1942) and thesiege of Dien Bien Phu ("Вьетнам", 1955), and reconstructing the 1956 landing in Cuba of revolutionaries led byFidel Castro as a first person documentary.In 2001, French documentary directors Dominique Chapuis and Patrick Barbéris produced a 90mn investigation about Karmen, titled "Roman Karmen, A Cineast In The Revolution's Service" [ [http://www.artepro.com/programmes/58707/presentation.htm "Roman Karmen, un cinéaste au service de la révolution"] , Dominique Chapuis & Patrick Barbéris, Kuiv Productions / Arte France, 2001] . The following year Barbéris (his co-author Chapuis passed by in late 2001) published a critical portrait "Roman Karmen, A Red Legend" [ [http://www.amazon.fr/dp/2020523833 "Roman Karmen, une Légende Rouge] ", Dominique Chapuis & Patrick Barbéris, Seuil, October 12th 2002] .
*1939: Испания ("Spain"), about the
Spanish civil war
*1942: Ленинград в борьбе ("Leningrad in the fight"), about theSiege of Leningrad
*1942: Разгром немецких войск под Москвой ("Crushing defeat of German troops in the environs ofMoscow "), about theBattle of Moscow
*1945: Берлин ("Berlin"), about theBattle of Berlin
*1946: Суд народов ("Judgment of the peoples"), about theNuremberg trial . AnEnglish language version of the film called "The Nuremberg Trials" was also made.
*1953: Повесть о нефтяниках Каспия ("Narrative about the oil-industry workers of theCaspian region ")
*1955: Вьетнам ("Vietnam"), about theSiege of Dien Bien Phu
*1956: Утро Индии ("India n Morning")
*1958: Широка страна моя… ("Wide is my country…"), first Sovietwidescreen motion picture
*1959: Покорители моря ("Conquerors of the sea")
*1961: Пылающий остров ("Blazing island"), about theBay of Pigs Invasion
*1965: Великая отечественная ("Great Patriotic War"), 20th anniversary of the end of theGreat Patriotic War
*1968: Гренада, Гренада, Гренада моя… ("Grenada, Grenada, my Grenada…"), co-directed withKonstantin Simonov , about theGrenada n war of independence
*1969: Товарищ Берлин ("Berlin Kamarad")
*1972: Пылающий континент ("Blazing continent")Notes
ee also
Konstantin Simonov
*Leni Riefenstahl
*Frank Capra
*Pierre Schoendoerffer
*Flags of Our Fathers (film) External links
*imdb name|0439765
*fr icon [http://www.ecpad.fr/ecpa/PagesDyn/notfot.asp?id=4150&page=1&dossierid=491&photo=1&Npage=1&collectionid=4 French army's Press Information Service SPI cameraman Lucien Millet (left) and Roman Karmen (right) at the Trung Gia conference, Vietnam, July 4th 1954] (French Defense Ministry archives ECPAD)
* [http://www.ihecs.be/focus/culture/Karmen.htm "Sous l’œil d’un cinéaste soviétique" by Cindy Cao]
* [http://www.kinoglaz.fr/personnalites_k.htm Extended filmography]
* (Russian) [http://www.russiancinema.ru/template.php?dept_id=3&e_dept_id=1&e_person_id=7076&let=?&e_add_id= Full filmography]
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