Matti Paasivuori

Matti Paasivuori

Matti Paasivuori (May 6, 1866, Ilmajoki - June 16, 1937 in Helsinki) was a Finnish politician from Social Democratic Party[1]. Paasivuori was the Chairman of the Social Democratic Party on three occasions: 1909–1911, 1913–1917 and 1926–1930.

Paasivuori worked as carpenter and participated early in labor movement. He was a pioneer in the labor movement and affected its ideological and political development. Since 1907 he was Member of Senate and participated in the development of occupational safety legislation. He was moderate in his political orientation, and after the Finnish Civil War of 1918 the only representative from the political left who participated in the Senate of Finland. In 1917, he had been Deputy Head of Trade and Industry office in Oskari Tokoi Senate, which was the first government in the world led by a Social Democrat. Paasivuori was the minister of social affairs in the minority government of Väinö Tanner from 1926 to 1927.

Paasivuorenkatu Street in central Helsinki is named after him.


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