Matias de Arteaga

Matias de Arteaga
The Marriage of the Virgin

Matias de Arteaga, — son of Bartolomé Arteaga, an engraver of repute at Seville in the reign of Philip IV, — was born in Seville about 1630, and studied painting under his fellow-citizen, Valdés Leal, and became a tolerable artist. His pictures, mostly of the Virgin, with architectural backgrounds, were inferior to his engravings. The best were two altar-pieces in the conventual church of San Pablo. He executed prints from various works of Valdés and the younger Herrera, and one of 'St. Dominick,' from a drawing by Alonso Cano; also a 'St. Ferdinand' by Murillo, for La Torre Farfan's account of the Seville festival in honour of St. Ferdinand; for which he likewise engraved views of the Giralda tower of Seville, and of the interior and exterior of the cathedral. He also executed a series of fifty-eight plates for the 'History of St. Juan de la Cruz,' the first barefooted Carmelite. He engraved a neat plate of the arms of the family of Arze for a book dedicated to a member of the house, in 1695. His works are usually signed with his name at full length, or in a contracted form. He died at Seville in 1704.

Engraving of the Giralda, published in a work by Fernando de la Torre Farfan in 1672


This article incorporates text from the article "ARTEAGA y ALFARO, Matias" in Bryan's Dictionary of Painters and Engravers by Michael Bryan, edited by Robert Edmund Graves and Sir Walter Armstrong, an 18861889 publication now in the public domain.

Wikimedia Foundation. 2010.

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