2011 Ohio exotic animal release

2011 Ohio exotic animal release

On October 18, 2011, near the Muskingum County Animal Farm preserve in Zanesville, Ohio, owner Terry Thompson was purported to have set his 56 exotic animals free before committing suicide. Of the 56 exotic animals, 49 were killed by the local police.[1] The animals freed included lions, leopards, wolves, primates, bears,[2][3] and 18 Bengal tigers.[1] The animals confirmed to be dead are the 18 Bengal tigers, six black bears, two grizzlies, two wolves, and 17 lions.[1] Three leopards, one grizzly bear, and two monkeys were captured and sent to the Columbus Zoo.[4] One monkey was unaccounted for, but police believe it was eaten by a lion or a tiger.[5]


The incident prompted mixed reactions. Some[who?] acknowledged that human life was more important and that police had no choice to kill the animals, while others[who?] have criticized Sheriff Matt Lutz for allowing the killings. PETA sharply criticized the Ohio laws which allowed the animals to be kept in captivity.[6] Jack Hanna lamented the killings but defended the police, saying that "it had to be done".[7] Ohio governor John Kasich called for a temporary moratorium on the sale of exotic animals.[8]


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