Maslen nos

Maslen nos

Maslen nos Coordinates: 42°1827N 27°4732E / 42.3075°N 27.79222°E / 42.3075; 27.79222

Maslen nos (Bulgarian Маслен нос) is a cape on the Black Sea, in southeastern Bulgaria. Maslen nos is the southernmost point of the Bay of Bourgas.

This Cape is the easternmost point of the Saddle Mountain beach which ends here on a peninsula (north-south extent: about 4 km, east-west distance about 3 km) and projecting into the Black Sea. Immediately on the Cape is a steep rocky coast into the sea. Viewed from the north Maslen nos recalls the outline of a lion's head - not to be confused with the rock band "lion head" on the river Ropotamo.

On the cape is the chapel Sveti Nikola. Two miles north from the Cape Maslen nos is Cape Karaultasch.



The cape Maslen nos (example: "olive-bay") was the time of the Greeks notorious for many ships were wrecked here on the sharp rocks and went down. The cargo of these ships was in large part from amphorae with olive oil, then that clearly visible from the wrecked ships withdrew. Hence the name Maslen nos (maslo = fat, oil, nos = nose, cape).

During the 500 year rule of the Ottoman Empire over the region of present-day Bulgaria was called the Cape Zeytin Burnu, which means in Turkish "olive-bay" and even explicitly referred to olive oil and not generally to oil, such as the Bulgarian word "maslo. Zeytin (Turkish) = Зехтин (Bulgarian; transcription: Sechtin, borrowed from Turkish) = olive oil; burnu (Turkish) = nos (Bulgarian) = nose, ch

Not to be confused is the old Turkish name Zeytin Burnu with a same Zeytinburnu district in Istanbul.

The encountered in some atlases name "Cape Malsen nos" (English "cape Maslen nos") or "Nos Malsen nos" (abbreviated "N. Maslen nos") but is an incorrect Namespelling because of "nos" Bulgarian " cape "is. "Cape Malsen nos" would mean "Cape oily bay". The incorrect translation of "butter cape" (English "butter Cape") is to be found.


From ancient and medieval nothing is handed on a lighthouse on Maslen nos. Because of its exposed location, the Cape but was certainly as early as the ancient navigational aid.

Initial information can be found in a Bulletin of the lighthouse authority in Istanbul on 6 December 1863. Herein requires the coordinates of a constant red lighthouse on the cape. The height of fire above the sea level was 10 m and visibility 6 NM. Probably saw this "lighthouse" exactly like the lighthouses on the Cape of Varna and the Isle of Sweta Anastasia. That is, it consisted of an iron post to which you put at dusk, a red light.

The company Julius Pintsch built in 1930 on the Cape a new lighthouse, which still stands there and does his service. At the lighthouse a lens of Julius Pintsch is mounted, which runs on gas.

The lighthouse is located 7 km north of Primorsko. His light above the water is 37.5 m above sea level. It has a range of 17 nautical miles (NM). 17.2 s all he sends three white Flash Mode (duration 0.4 seconds, flashes) from. Between them, a break of four, four and eight seconds. The lighthouse is a white, 6 m high (with the pedestal for the look: 7.5 m) round stone tower with a gallery. The optics have been manually turned on and rotated by a motor (a small membrane gas engine), the gas pressure of exploiting coal gas before it burned in the burner of the beacon. From 25 July 1932 was converted to automatic acetylene gas.

The lighthouse is the one-storey houses (one room with kitchen) of a lighthouse keeper. In the small bay, which is located south of the cape, 500 m from the Lighthouse was removed a small quay built of concrete, so that boats could create. For many years, was to supply the lighthouse with fuel and food across the sea, as the lighthouse, especially in winter, was completely cut off from the hinterland.

South of the lighthouse in 1937, a square, 3 m high, built in stone, on which a fog bell was installed in bronze, to warn the ships in fog. The drive mechanism for the bell was housed in the stone. He had to be wound manually and started. The bell rang then for two hours every 9 s two times. after each gong, there was a pause of 3 s or 6 s. The next 25 years then the conditioning and the lighthouse at the Cape remained unchanged.

The need for a radio beacon called for a fundamental modernization of the plant on Maslen nos. The principal aim was a power line added to the lighthouse.

were built as 1961 from the Bulgarian and Romanian Black Sea coast 6 radio beacon, was one here.

The 6 radio beacon were at Cape following: Cape Kaliakra Snake Island Sveti Georgi Constanta Cape Emine Cape Maslen nos

These 6 beacons have successively broadcast their signals for one minute (including identification), so that repeated the sequence of all beacons every 6 minutes.

From 1961 the beacon sent at 24-hour operation, the letters "MN" from. The old look of the lighthouse was electrified. In 1968, the appearance of a modern electric Optics M-300 has been replaced. The old look can be seen since 1977 in the Marine Museum Warne (Bulgarian Военноморски музей Варна). In 2005 the lighthouse was the new look M-500. Underwater Archaeology [Edit]

In the small bay just southwest of the Cape In 1960 the Bulgarian underwater archeology, expedition leader was Ivan Galabow (Bulgarian Иван Гълъбов). The archaeological findings showed that in this small bay, which lay in the lee of the prevailing wind direction, in the 6th have sought refuge century BC small ships. There are numerous finds from the Late Antiquity and the Middle Ages (5th to 14th century)


The cape is located near the town of Primorsko, which lies further south, 5 km distance of Cape. In Primosko and the surrounding area there are extensive sandy beaches.


The mouth of the river Ropotamo is located 5 km northwest of the Chapter at the mouth of Ropotamo are the remains of a Roman city. In addition, standing near the ancient city Ranuli. The river Ropotamo winds inland through the nature reserve Ropotamo. He cuts up into the slopes of the mountains and beach damage has washed out giant Felblöcke. Beliktasch [Edit]

The other region of the peninsula and Cape Maslen Nos, and is around the river Ropotamo and has been inhabited since ancient times. In the area of the Cape Peninsula is also the Thracian sanctuary Begliktasch (Bulgarian Таш Беглик), 200 m inland from the Cape, which was first discovered in 2003.


On the south side, 3.5 km from the Cape, is the former residence of Todor Zhivkov government, which was built around 1980. Since around 1955 there was a camp site in the middle of a dense oak forest. Beliktasch located two miles from Perla and one kilometer inland from the Black Sea. In the next few years a major construction project will be built on the south side of Maslen Nos. The reserve Ropotamo is a bit further west of this building project.


Near the Cape is a hard to reach cave whose entrance is accessible only by boat or float. It is inhabited by about 3,000 bats (bat wings long and about 100 large mouse-eared bats).

Near the Cape, the rock 'Ostrak ", there are oyster reefs, which contain no more living oysters. They are made of shells from dead oysters European [1].

At the Cape also many snakes are found.

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