

Taxobox | color = greenyellow
name = Gymnodinium

image_caption =
domain = Eukaryota
superphylum = Alveolata
phylum = Dinoflagellata
divisio =
classis =
ordo =
familia =
genus = Gymnodinium
species =
binomial =
binomial_authority =

"Gymnodinium" is a genus of dinoflagellates. It is one of the few naked dinoflagellates lacking armor (cellulosic plates). Since 2000, the species which had been considered to be part of "Gymnodinium" have been divided into several genera, based on the nature of the apical groove and the biochemistry (specifically, the identity of the main carotenoid): [cite journal | url = | author = F Gómez, Y Nagahama, H Takayama, K Furuya | journal = Acta Bot. Croat | year = 2005 | title = Is Karenia a synonym of Asterodinium-Brachidinium?(Gymnodiniales, Dinophyceae) | issn = 0365–0588 | volume = 64 | issue = 2 | pages = 263–274 ]

*"Gymnodinium" sensu stricto






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