Markus Breitschmid

Markus Breitschmid

Markus Breitschmid (b. 20 April 1966, Lucerne, Switzerland) is a Swiss architectural theoretician, historian, and author.

Breitschmid is a trained and registered architect, and a member of the Swiss Institute of Architects. In 2000 he received a PhD in Engineering Sciences from the Technical University of Berlin, Germany. He is one of the first scholars to study the importance of "building" in the philosophy of Friedrich Nietzsche, and his German-language book "Der bauende Geist. Friedrich Nietzsche und die Architektur" (The Building Spirit. Friedrich Nietzsche and Architecture) covers the subjects of Nietzsche, architecture, building, and aesthetics, and was selected as a seminal text by the Institute of Philosophy and Theology, Karlsruhe, Germany.[1] Breitschmid's writing concerns the aesthetic mentality of modernism and contemporary architecture.[clarification needed][citation needed]

Breitschmid teaches architecture at Virginia Polytechnic Institute and State University in Blacksburg, Virginia. Previously, he was the "2003 Visiting Historian for the History of Architecture and Urbanism" at Cornell University, an assistant professor at the University of North Carolina, and a visiting professor at The Catholic University of America and the University of Louisiana. He has lectured at other universities in the United States, Europe, and Asia, and has served as visiting critic at schools of architecture.


Published works

As author:
  • Der bauende Geist. Friedrich Nietzsche und die Architektur. Quart, 2001. ISBN 978-3-907631-23-2
  • Can Architectural Art-Form be Designed Out Of Construction? Architecture Edition, 2004. ISBN 978-0-9702820-8-8
  • Nietzsche's Denkraum. Edition Didacta, 2006. Hardcover: 978-3-033-01206-6; Paperback: 978-3-033-01148-9
  • Three Architects in Switzerland: Beat Consoni – Morger & Degalo: Valerio Olgiati. Quart, 2008. ISBN 978-3-907631-88-1
  • Die Bedeutung der Idee. Die Architektur von Valerio Olgiati. Niggli Verlag, 2008. ISBN 978-3-7212-0676-0
As editor:
  • Conversation with Students – Valerio Olgiati. Virginia Tech Architecture Publications, 2007. ISBN 978-0-9794296-3-7
  • A Modern Milieu – Julius Meier-Graefe. Architectura et Ars Series, Band 1, Virginia Tech Architecture Publications, 2007. ISBN 978-0-9794296-0-6
  • Oneness. Corporis Publisher for Architecture, Art, and Photography, 2007. ISBN 978-0-9795472-0-1
  • Cenotaph for Unknown Poets. Corporis Publisher for Architecture, Art, and Photography, 2007. ISBN 978-0-9795472-3-2
  • Studentenprojekte/Student Projects bei/with Markus Breitschmid. Corporis Verlag für Architektur, Kunst und Photographie, 2007. ISBN 978-0-9795472-5-6
  • Thoughts on Building. Corporis Publisher for Architecture, Art, and Photography, 2008. ISBN 978-0-97954728-7
  • Hedy Nerito – Fotomodella. Corporis Publisher for Architecture, Art, and Photography, 2008. ISBN 978-0-9802274-0-6
  • 15 Student Projects. Architecture Residency Program. Center of European Studies and Architecture. Riva San Vitale. Corporis Publisher for Architecture, Art, and *Photography, 2008. ISBN 978-0-9795472-7-0
  • Art Museum Liechtenstein – Morger & Degelo with Kerez. Architecture Case Study Volume 1. Corporis Publisher for Architecture, Art, and Photography, 2009. ISBN 978-0-9802274-5-1
  • Villa Garbald at Castasegna – Miller & Maranta. Architecture Case Study Volume 2. Corporis Publisher for Architecture, Art, and Photography, 2009. ISBN 978-0-9802774-7-5
  • House for a Musician – Valerio Olgiati. Architecture Case Study Volume 3. Corporis Publisher for Architecture, Art, and Photography, 2009. ISBN 978-0-9802274-4-4
  • Town Hall & Mortuary at Iragna – Raffaele Cavadini. Architecture Case Study Volume 4. Corporis Publisher for Architecture, Art, and Photography, 2009. ISBN 978-0-9802274-8-2
  • House Binswanger – Beat Consoni. Architecture Case Study Volume 5. Corporis Publisher for Architecture, Art, and Photography, 2009. ISBN 978-0-9815553-1-7
  • La Congiunta at Giornico – Peter Märkli. Architecture Case Study Volume 6. Corporis Publisher for Architecture, Art, and Photography, 2009. ISBN 978-0-9802274-1-3
  • House Meuli at Fläsch – Bearth & Deplazes. Architecture Case Study Volume 7. Corporis Publisher for Architecture, Art, and Photography, 2009. ISBN 978-0-9795472-9-4
  • Apartment Building at Horn – Beat Consoni. Architecture Case Study Volume 8. Corporis Publisher for Architecture, Art, and Photography, 2009. ISBN 978-0-9815553-0-0
  • Travella House – Aldo Celoria. Architecture Case Study Volume 9. Corporis Publisher for Architecture, Art, and Photography, 2009. ISBN 978-0-9815553-2-4
  • House on the Bischoffhöhe at Riehen – Morger & Degelo. Architecture Case Study Volume 10. Corporis Publisher for Architecture, Art, and Photography, 2009. ISBN 978-0-9815553-4-8
  • K + N House at Wollerau – Valerio Olgiati. Architecture Case Study Volume 11. Corporis Publisher for Architecture, Art, and Photography, 2009. ISBN 978-0-9802274-9-9
  • San Carlo alle Quattro Fontane – Francesco Borromini. Architecture History Case Study No.1. Corporis Publisher for Architecture, Art, and Photography, 2009. ISBN 978-0-9802274-6-1
  • Sant'Andrea al Quirinale – Gian Lorenzo Bernini. Architecture History Case Study No.2. Corporis Publisher for Architecture, Art, and Photography, 2009. ISBN 978-0-9815553-3-1
  • Church at Wies – Dominikus Zimmermann. Architecture History Case Study No.3. Corporis Publisher for Architecture, Art, and Photography, 2009. ISBN 978-0-9802274-3-7
  • Neue Wache at Berlin – Karl Friedrich Schinkel. Architecture History Case Study No.4. Corporis Publisher for Architecture, Art, and Photography, 2009. ISBN 978-0-9802274-2-0


  1. ^ Book on Nietzsche and Architecture Honored, 8 August 2005. Retrieved 15 October 2011
  • Breitschmid, Markus. Die Bedeutung der Idee in der Architektur von Valerio Olgiati / The Significance of the Idea in the Architecture of Valerio Olgiati. Sulgen/Zürich: Niggli Verlag 2008, p. 78
  • Breitschmid, Markus. Three Architects in Switzerland. Beat Consoni – Maroger & Degelo – Valerio Olgiati. Lucerne: Quart Publishers 2007, p. 169

External links

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