Maria Teresa Luengo

Maria Teresa Luengo

Maria Teresa Luengo (b. 25 November 1940) is an Argentine composer and musicologist.



Maria Teresa Luengo was born in Quilmes, Buenos Aires, Argentina, and graduated from the Pontifical Catholic University of Argentina in Buenos Aires in 1969, where she studied with Alberto Ginastera, Luis Gianneo, Juan Francisco Giacobbe, Roberto Caamaño and Gerardo Gandini.[1][2] In 1973 she was awarded a scholarship that allowed her to contintue her studies in electro-acoustic music with Francisco Krópfl, Gerardo Gandini, Femando Von Reichenbach, Gabriel Bmcyc, and Peter Maxwell Davies at the Center of Art and Communication (CAYC). During this time she was invited to participate in a year-long seminar on contemporary music during which she composed The Book of Mirrors.

From 1974-1975 she taught at the University of the Salvador, and in 1984 began teaching composition at the National University of La Plata. From 1972-93, she also taught at the Municipal School of Fine Arts Carlos Morel of Quilmes. In 1990 she designed the curriculum for study in Music Electroacústica of the National University of Quilmes and worked as director and professor of composition within the program.[3]

Honors and awards

  • First prize in Composition from Musical Promotions, 1971
  • First prize in Composition from the City of Buenos Aires, 1973
  • Scholarship in Composition from the National Fund of the Arts
  • Prize in Composition from the National University of La Plata, 1983
  • Special Mention from the National Fund of the Arts in the Juan Carlos Peace Competition
  • The Fund National of the Arts recognition for composers under thirty-five years, 1988
  • Her work Presences was selected and interpreted in the third conference of Contemporary Latin American Music Composers, 1989 [3]
  • Her music for the film Taumanía from the filmmaker Pablo Delfini on the Tau Ricardo drawings won First Prize of the National Endowment for the Arts,1987.[4]


Selected works include:

  • Sonata for Piano, 1965
  • Heptatonic for flute, clarinet, string quartet and piano, 1970
  • Six Preludes for String Quartet, 1968
  • Scopes for string quartet and piano, 1971
  • Duetto, for violin and piano, 1972
  • Cuatro Soles for flute, oboe, cello, piano and percussion, 1973
  • Absolum electronic work, about 1973
  • The Imaginary Museum, for violin, viola, cello, piano and instruments of persecution, 1975
  • Mailenanas three pieces for piano, 1976
  • The Book of Mirrors, stopped flute, clarinet, violin, viola, cello, piano and percussion, 1976
  • Six magical images, for flute, clarinet, cello and percussion, 1978
  • Presences, trio for flute, violin and piano, 1980
  • Navigator for piano and six percussionists, 1983
  • Nao for wind quintet, 1983
  • Echoes of Tupac trio in G for flute, bass clarinet, cello, 1984
  • The waters of the Light for two flutes in C, bass clarinet, violin and cello, 1989
  • Jumping transparent for piano, 1990
  • Music for the film Taumanía, 1987[4]


  1. ^ Ficher, Miguel; Schleifer, Martha Furman; Furman, John M. (1996). Latin American classical composers: a biographical dictionary. 
  2. ^ Sadie, Julie Anne; Samuel, Rhian (1994) (Digitized online by GoogleBooks). The Norton/Grove dictionary of women composers. Retrieved 5 January 2011. 
  3. ^ a b "Maria Teresa Luengo". Retrieved 6 January 2011. 
  4. ^ a b "Maria Teresa Luengo". Retrieved 5 January 2011. 

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