Mary Terán de Weiss

Mary Terán de Weiss
Mary Terán de Weiss
Full name María Luisa Terán de Weiss
Country Argentina
Residence Buenos Aires
Born January 29, 1918(1918-01-29)
Rosario, Santa Fe
Died December 8, 1984(1984-12-08) (aged 66)
Mar del Plata
Career titles 10
Last updated on: March 26, 2010.

María Luisa Terán de Weiss (1918–1984), known in Argentina as Mary Terán de Weiss, and out of Argentina as María Teran Weiss, was an Argentine tennis player, who the first Argentine women to have a relevant sport performance in the international tennis tour. She played between 1938 and 1959, and was considered a top 20 player, winning the Irish Open (1950), Israel International (1950), Cologne International (1951), Baden-Baden (1951) and Welsh International (1954), and several times de Rio de la Plata Championship. In 1948 she reached quarterfinals at the French Open. Se also win two gold medals and a bronze one, at the 1951 Pan American Games.[1]

During military dictatorships in Argentina, Mary Terán was pursued due to her politics ideas (peronist), forcing her to retire from tennis at the end of the 50s, and excluding her from all recognition, by the media as well as sportive organizations.[1]

Before 1980s, tennis in Argentina was a very elitist sport. Mary Terán confronted the leaders of the Argentine Tennis Association, with the goal of promoting tennis among people of all classes.[1] In the 80s she organice a campaign to support Guillermo Vilas and spread tennis in the country, when the Argentine Tennis Association was campaigning against Vilas.[1]

When democracy returned to Argentina, at the end of 1983, she continued been banned from the media and the government activities.[1] A few months later, she committed suicide, at the age of 66 years.[1]

In 2007 the City of Buenos Aires honoured her by naming Estadio Mary Terán de Weiss the new tennis stadium of the city.[2]


See also



  1. ^ a b c d e f Lupo, Víctor F. (2004). Historia política del deporte argentino, Buenos Aires: Corregidor, capítulo XXXIV.
  2. ^ [url= Ley 2502], Boletín Oficial de la Ciudad de Buenos Aires, 06-12-2007.


  • Lupo, Víctor F. (2004). Historia política del deporte argentino, Buenos Aires: Corregidor, capítulo XXXIV.

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