María Claudia Falcone

María Claudia Falcone
María Claudia Falcone

María Claudia Falcone is one of the high school students kidnapped in Argentina on September 16, 1976 by the military dictatorship, in what is known as the Night of the Pencils. During this incident Maria Claudia, 16 years old, along with several other students, was kidnapped by military personnel due to her activism in demanding free public transportation for students. The students' activities were deemed "subversive" by the Argentine military dictatorship.



Born on August 16, 1960, in the city of La Plata. She belonged to the "Unión de Estudiantes Secundarios" (UES), or High School Student's Union, and participated in education and charity activities in surrounding villages. She studied Arts in La Plata.


She was kidnapped from her grandmother's sister's house, located in Street 56. No. 586 in La Plata, on September 16, 1976 along with her friend María Clara Ciocchini, in what is known as the Night of the Pencils ("Noche de los Lápices"), during which seven other students were kidnapped for their student activism. Only four out of ten students (another student was kidnapped a few weeks before the Night of the Pencils, bringing the total to ten) are known to have survived.

Maria Claudia was held in various clandestine detention centers: Arana, Pozo de Banfield, Pozo de Quilmes, Police headquarters in the Province of Buenos Aires and commissaries 5a., 8a., y 9a. of La Plata and 3a. of Valentín Alsina, at Lanús, and the shooting range of the Police headquarters in the Province of Buenos Aires.[citation needed]

At these centers she was tortured and subjected to extensive abuses and sexual violations, as a form of torture and punishment.

She was last seen by fellow student and kidnapping victim Pablo Díaz, on December 28 of the same year, at Banfield.


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