Marcha de Zacatecas

Marcha de Zacatecas
Marcha de Zacatecas
English: March of Zacatecas

State anthem of

Also known as Himno Regional de Zacatecas
English: Regional Anthem of Zacatecas
Lyrics Genaro Codina, 1892
Music Fernando Villalpando, 1892
Music sample
March of Zacatecas (Instrumental)

The March of Zacatecas (Spanish: Marcha de Zacatecas) is a Mexican patriotic song, the anthem of the State of Zacatecas and considered the 2nd national anthem of Mexico.

On 1891, in a family gathering at the home of Fernando Villalpando, there was a dare between Villapando and Genaro Codina, which consisted of writing a military march. The winner would dedicate the song to the then Governor of the State of Zacatecas, General Jesús Aréchiga.

That same year, Codina and Villalpando compositions were submitted to a jury composed of friends and relatives, who gave the victory to the song of Genaro Codina. The original title was "Marcha Aréchiga", to be dedicated to the governor Arechiga, but he suggested that the name was changed to March of Zacatecas.

The song was premiered in the Hidalgo garden, in the city of Zacatecas, for a serenade of the Municipal Band, directed by Fernado Villalpando, which has the merit of the music; that's where the song earned the title of Himno Regional de Zacatecas (English: Regional Anthem of Zacatecas).[1]


Complete version:.[2]


Prestos estad a combatir
Oid llamad, suena el clarin
Las armas pronto preparad
Y la victoria disputad.


Be ready to fight
Hear the call, the bugle sounds
Prepare the weapons quickly
And strive for victory.

Prestos estad, suena el clarin
Anuncia la proxima lid
Vibrando esta su clamor
Marchemos con gran valor.

Be ready, the bugle sounds
It announces the next fight
Vibrating is its clamor
March with great bravery.

Estrofa I:

Si, a la lidia marchemos
Que es hora ya de combatir con gran valor
Con fiero ardor hasta morir
Hasta morir o hasta vencer.

Stanza I:

Yes, let us march to the fight
As it is now time to fight with great courage
With all our might until the death
To death or to victory.

Estrofa II y V:

Como huracan que en su furor
Las olas rompen en el mar
Con rudo empuje y con valor
Sobre las huestes avanzad.

Stanza II and V:

As a hurricane in its fury
The waves breaking on the sea
With hard drive and with value
Move forward on the enemy.

Estrofa III y VI:

No os detengais, no hay temor
Pronto el ataque apresurad
Guerra sin tregua al invasor
Viva la patria y la libertad
Viva la libertad, viva
Viva la libertad, viva
Que viva si, viva.

Stanza III and VI:

Don't stop, no fear
Soon hurry the attack
War without truce against invading
Long live the Fatherland and Freedom.
Long live freedom, long live
Long live freedom, long live
Long live yes, long live

Estrofa IV:

Oh Patria mía
Tu hermoso pabellón
Siempre sabremos
Llevarlo con honor.

Stanza IV:

Oh my country
Your beautiful flag
We always will
Carry it with honor.


  1. ^ Red Escolar. "Genaro Codina" (in Spanish). Retrieved October 19, 2010. 
  2. ^ Visita Zacatecas. "Marcha de Zacatecas" (in Spanish). Retrieved October 19, 2010. 

Wikimedia Foundation. 2010.

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