Incrocio Manzoni

Incrocio Manzoni

Incrocio Manzoni is a family of grape varieties named after Professor Luigi Manzoni of Italy's oldest school of oenology located in Conegliano, in the Veneto region. Manzoni created the new grape varieties by selecting, crossing and grafting vines from various vineyards during the 1930s.

The numbers after grape type refer to location of the vineyards for the original grafts; for example, 6.0.13 refers to the row, vine and vineyard. The family includes both white and red grape varieties.

Although most Manzonis are grown in northeastern Italy, they are mainly grown in the Piave area of Provincia di Treviso and are only now starting to be sold commercially in Europe and the United States. Some of the better known producers of this wine type include Bonotto Delle Tezze and Casa Roma.

Incrocio Manzoni varieties

There are five different Incrocio Manzoni grapes which have been selected for cultivation. The two most successful are Manzoni Bianco and Manzoni Moscato which are most commonly known under their non-numerical designations, while the other three have not had much success and are rare in plantation.

  • Augusta is a white variety which is a cross of Afus Ali and Luglienga Bianca. It is also known under the synonyms Incrocio Manzoni 3.25 or Manzoni 3-25.[1]
  • Manzoni Bianco, or Incrocio Manzoni 6.0.13, is a white variety which is a crossing between Riesling and Pinot Blanc. It is grown in the Friuli and Veneto regions and is used for blending in the Colli di Conegliano DOC Bianco wines.[2] It is also known under the further synonyms I.M. 6.0.13 and Manzoni 6.0.13.[3]
  • Incrocio Manzoni 1.50 is a rosé-coloured variety which is a cross of Trebbiano and Traminer. It is also known under the synonym Manzoni 1-50.[4]
  • Incrocio Manzoni 2.14 is a red variety which is a cross of Glera (formerly known as Prosecco) and Cabernet Sauvignon. It is also known under the synonym Manzoni 2-14.[5]
  • Incrocio Manzoni 2.15 is a red variety which is a cross of Glera (formerly known as Prosecco) and Cabernet Sauvignon. It is also known under the synonyms I.M. 2.15, Manzoni 2-15, Manzoni Nero, Manzoni Rosso, and Prosecco × Cabernet Sauvignon 2-15.[6]


  1. ^ Augusta, Vitis International Variety Catalogue, accessed on 2010-08-17
  2. ^ "Incrocio Mansoni wine". 
  3. ^ Manzoni Bianco, Vitis International Variety Catalogue, accessed on 2010-08-17
  4. ^ Manzoni 1-50, Vitis International Variety Catalogue, accessed on 2010-08-17
  5. ^ Manzoni 2-14, Vitis International Variety Catalogue, accessed on 2010-08-17
  6. ^ Manzoni 2-15, Vitis International Variety Catalogue, accessed on 2010-08-17
  7. ^ J. Robinson Jancis Robinson's Guide to Wine Grapes pg 89 Oxford University Press 1996 ISBN 0-19-860098-4

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