Manuscript from Temska Monastery

Manuscript from Temska Monastery

The Manuscript from Temska Monastery is a collection of writings from 1764. The manuscript is composed of the monk of Pirot Cyril Zhivkovich (1730 - 1807) in the Temska Monastery near the village of Temska, in Pirot district.[1] The title of the manuscript is "Из душевного обреда в’ неделных днех слова избрана. На прости язык болгарскій". - "Selected words from the weekly mental rituals. In simple Bulgarian language". The Manuscript from Temska Monastery consists from 232 sheets, where 34 witings are collected. The basic languages of the manuscript are Torlakian dialect and Church Slavonic with some Russian influences.[2] This manuscript is an monument, reflecting the state of transitional dialects between Bulgarian and Serbian in the middle of 18th century. Today this manuscript is stored in the Library of Matica Srpska in Novi Sad under № PP 169.[3]


  1. ^ Летописната хроника от манастира Темска до Пирот (16-19в.) Автор: Николай Овчаров, Годишник на СУ - Исторически факултет, 2000, бр. 4.
  2. ^ Българскиият език през 20-ти век. Василка Радева, Издател Pensoft Publishers, 2001, ISBN 9546421138, стр. 280-281.
  3. ^ Književnost i jezik, Društvo za srpski jezik i književnost Srbije, Društvo za srpskohrvatski jezik i književnost SR Crne Gore, 1965, str. 56.


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  • Cyril Zhivkovich — (Bulgarian: Кирил Живкович); (Pirot, Ottoman Empire, 1730 – Temska Monastery, near Pirot, 1807) was a Bulgarian cleric and writer.[1] As Cyril noted, he was born in the city of Pirot, in the Bulgarian lands, in the Summer of the year 1730 .[2] He …   Wikipedia

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