

Bolo may be:

* Bolo knife, a Filipino machete used for agricultural purposes and as a weapon.
* Bolo punch, a wide sweeping uppercut used in boxing.
* Bolo tie, decorative string with an ornament clasp worn around the neck, worn in the American West, also known as a bola tie
* a community or tribe in "bolo'bolo" (1983), by Swiss author P.M..
* Bolo, a slang term for Bolsheviks during the Russian Civil War.

In military:

* Bolo Shell, a type of specialty shotgun shell
* Bolo (tank), a type of enhanced artificially intelligent tank appearing in the science fiction of Keith Laumer. The word was vaguely taken from the US Army use.
* B-18 Bolo, a United States Army Air Corps bomber aircraft from the 1930s

In places:

* Bolo, Central African Republic
* Bolo, Ethiopia, a village in Ethiopia
* Bolo, Tibet, a township in Tibet
* O Bolo, Galicia, Spain
* Viana do Bolo, Galicia, Spain

In people:

* Bolo Yeung, Chinese actor and martial artist
* Bolo, a Spanish footballer
* Bolo, nickname for Roberto Luongo - a goaltender for the Vancouver Canucks of the National Hockey League

In gaming:

* Bolo (computer game), a computer game in which players battle each other with tanks.
* Bolo (breakout clone), an enhanced clone of the classic Breakout computer game for the Atari ST

* BOLO, an acronym used by law enforcement for "Be On The Lookout".

ee also

* Bolas, a throwing rope with weights at both ends to entangle prey.

* Bolo (slang), anything good in life; it is often yelled in a drunken rage.

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