Mair kshatriyas

Mair kshatriyas

Mair Kshatriyas have their ancestry in the the Lord Brahama dynasty king Ajmenid. According to Bhagvata and Vishnu Puran, Medes or Mair Kshatriyas are one of the oldest warriors of Aryan origin. The Badmer, Ajmer, Jesalmer are some of ancient cities of old Aryans Medes, Mer or Mairs.

According to a most recent important research by the Scholar Sunil Kumar Verma, the Glorious Past of the Mair Kshatriyas (Mers) of Vedic Civilization of the Early Iron Age goes back to the Sumers (Su-Mer) of the Sumerian Empire (Literary ‘Land of the Lords of Brightness’ in Sumerian language) of the Mesopotamia[1], the most ancient civilization of the world dated back to ca. 7000 BC to 7th century CE [2]


  1. ^ Sumer of Mesopotamia: the ancestoral Mairs/Mers of the cradle of human civilization
  2. ^ L. S. Braidwood et al., Prehistoric Archeology Along the Zagros Flanks, Oriental Institute Publications 105, 1983.

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